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Harry's POV

When I go to pick Louis up from the train station, my heart is beating faster than it ever has before. I text Louis a quick "here" and then stand on the platform waiting, trying not to panic over how I'm about to see Louis in literally five minutes.

I bite my nails nervously and readjust my parka. It's mid December and it's fucking freezing. But I don't mind the cold at all - honestly I'm too focused on Louis to even feel it.

Five minutes go by and then ten. Then 15. I pace around. Louis still hasn't answered. When 30 minutes go by, I start to get nervous. Where is he? Is he okay? Is he standing me up? No- he would never... would he?

Eventually I get a text on Facebook messenger from Louis. "Hey- phone died, Im using a strangers phone. train got delayed but I'll be there soon."

I sigh And smile, trying to calm myself down. Okay. Okay okay. He's coming soon. That's great.

When the train pulls up a few minutes later, I nearly run to the door. But I stay composed and decide to let Louis come to me.

He emerges from the train car in a Black puffy parka, dark washed skinny jeans and vans. Suitcase in tow, he jogs over to me. "Hey, Love!" He shouts, throwing his hands around me. "Sorry about the wait."

I pull him towards me, locking our lips together. We stand there for a moment, kissing and breathing heavily. Just the touch of our lips is enough to send tingles down our spine.

"It's okay," i reply, as I pull away. "I missed you so much."

"Miss you too, Haz," Louis says with a smile. His blue eyes crinkle around the edges and his little teeth sparkle beneath the subway lighting.

"Let's go then, yeah?" I say, leading him upstairs. I have a date planned to go get Italian food, but we have to go to my apartment first to drop off his bags. Technically, he could have gone to his aunts first and then come to me, but neither of us could wait that long. We wanted to see each other ASAP.

"You look adorable in your parka," Louis gushes as we head down the sidewalk.

"As do you," I giggle. Why is he so sweet?

"How was the trip?" I ask, pointing towards my apartment. I fumble with my keys and unlock the door, though it takes me a while. Louis just gets me so flustered sometimes.

"Not bad. I tried to sleep but there was a screaming baby of course," Louis replies with an eye roll.

"Aww, poor baby. You didn't get your nap," I tease.

Louis hits me playfully on the arm, and follows me inside. We hop in the elevator and head to the fourth floor where I live.

"Wow, this is nice!" Louis says excitedly, looking around my apartment.

"Thanks," I say, blushing. I had spent so much time cleaning it up and reorganizing just for Louis to see it for two minutes.

Louis drops his bags down on the floor beside my bed. Then he turns to me, a sexy look in his Eyes.

"Hey you," he says in a husky voice. He comes towards me and grabs my waist tightly, running his hands up and down my torso.

"Missed your touch," I breathe, kissing him on the forehead.

"Me too," Louis replies. I can feel myself growing hard and I'm too caught up in the moment to try to hide it.

"I, um," I begin. "Do you want to make out a little?"

"Read my mind," louis replies, raising and eyebrow. "Here, I'll take off your shirt this time..."

It's not too long after that that we're both on my bed in our boxers, making out passionately. Louis is straddling me, grinding his hips wildly against mine. I'm covered in love bites at this point, and I don't even care. I just grip louis' soft tresses and moan for him. It feels so fucking good.

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