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Harry's POV

"These finals are killing me," I say to Niall over coffee one day after class. It's been two weeks since I last saw Louis, and we only have a week and a half of school left. Finals period is right around the corner, and to say I'm dreading it would be understatement. 

"Tell me about," Niall agrees, taking a sip of his coffee. "This Spanish paper will be the death of me." 

He's totally right. We have a 9 page analytical essay due in a week, and I haven't even chosen my topic yet. 

"Yeah," I reply. "But at least we get to relax after break." 

Niall raises an eyebrow. "You get to relax. I'll be doing winter classes. Gotta make up for my failed exams last semester."

"Oh right," I reply. "Well, I'll be here too. We can hang out."

"Wait you're not going back to England?" Niall asks. 

"Nah," I reply. "I mean I am, for Christmas and all. But the week after exams, I'm gonna stick around.... Louis is coming back to New York."

"No fucking way," Niall says, hitting me playfully. "That's awesome." 

"Yeah," I say, blushing. "You can even meet him, if you want. He's really chill."

"That would be awesome, mate," Niall says. "He sounds great." 

I nod and smile. He is great, more than great. In fact, ever since our date, things have really been heating up. While we used to be fiesty and make fun of each other, Louis is now being really open about his feelings for me, calling me his 'babe' and showering me with compliments. We still flirt and poke fun at each other here and there, but it's so clear Louis wants me, and I want him too. 

Our conversation this morning, for example, read as follows:

Louis: Hey cutie :) morning 

Harry: Hey Lou :)

I also sent a selfie of my morning bed head, making a silly face. 

Louis: Oh my god Harold why are you so cute 

Harry: I was born this way

Louis sent a selfie, with his chiseled jaw and beard. He's wearing a lab coat and holding a pipette. 

Harry: OMG, Lou you're not supposed to text in the lab 

Harry: Go do work 

Louis: haha, true, but it's a risk I was willing to take 

Louis: I miss your face. How many more days?

Harry: 12

Harry: I miss u 2 

Louis: Ok, ugh that seems like forever 

Louis: I'll go do work now :P 

Louis: Have fun in class babe 

Harry: Thanks babe :)

As you can see, I don't really use pet names as much as Louis does. It's sort of because I'm nervous about getting too intimate with someone, especially because my last ex - Stephanie - took advantage of me.

"I never really liked you Harry," she told me the last time saw her, this past May. "It was never that serious was it? Just hooking up..."

To me, it had been a lot more than hooking up, especially considering I told her I liked her multiple times, and she told me she liked me too. Sure, it was never boyfriend-girlfriend status, but there were feelings there. The way she would pet my hair, kiss my head, call me 'baby.' That couldn't have been a strictly sexual relationship - could it have? 

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