Saying Goodbye

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Hello. I am doing an update. It's not the best. This stuff took place over the past week including today so I am glad to say 50 chapters later I have caught up to present day.   That went by fast.... not.

*ps i always wanted to do a sick fic and this actually happened irl so it's a two in one ah. + it comes with smut. What more could u ask for? *

Harry's POV
*end of the summer, a few weeks after the Canada trip*

"Hey, LouBear," I call from my laptop. The door to my room opens and Louis comes in, sighing. "How did it go? Does the tattoo hurt?"

Louis shrugged and removed his shirt, which was drenched in sweat. "It was good. He touched up as much as he could."

"Then what's wrong?" I ask, shuttling my laptop clothes. "You look upset."

"I don't feel good," Louis whined. "Head hurts."

"Aww, I'm sorry, baby," I said, getting up to feel his forehead. "You're burning up."

"Uhh, probably have a fever," he mumbles, lying down on the bed.

"Yeah, honey, you do," I reply. I leave the room and dart to the kitchen, returning with ibuprofen and a bottle of water.

"Take this," I say. "You'll feel better."

Louis nods and sits up to take the pill. "Thanks, Harry."

"No problem, babe," I reply, brushing his hear back. He looks pale and is sweating a bit.

"What else hurts? Do you want something to eat? Or some tea?" I ask.

Louis shakes his head. "No not hungry. Wanna sleep."

It's only 9pm but he seems pretty sick, so I'm sure his body needs it.

"Ok cutie, well finish your water at least," I say. "Need to stay hydrated."

Louis rolls his eyes and drinks the bottle of water slowly. I just laugh because Whether he likes it or not, I'm always gonna baby him. Especially when he's sick.

"Okay, going to bed now," Louis groaned.

"Alright, feel better," I reply. I plant a kiss on his forehead and then get up to switch off the light.

"Wait, Harry?" Louis calls just as I'm about to leave. "Can you hold me?"

"Aww, of course," I say. Climbing into bed, i begin to wrap my arms around Louis' waist, allowing him to be the little spoon.

To be honest, I'm a total germ freak and I'm normally very worried about getting sick. But Louis just looks adorable like this, and I can't leave him by himself right now. He needs me.

After about twenty minutes of rubbing his back, Louis seems to be dozing off to sleep. But just as I get up to go, he catches my arm.

"No, Harry stay," Louis said, his eyes fluttering open.

"Okay," I giggle, stroking his back. "Okay, I'll stay."

"Harry," Louis says, his voice thick and dry. "You wanna know something?"

Oh my gosh. He is so feverish he sounds drunk.

"What?" I ask, smiling. It's dark but I can still see his eyes and they're more beautiful than ever.

"You know, you're like the most beautiful person I ever met," he says, smiling to himself. "Like i couldn't even wish for someone as pretty as you."

"Aww, thank you, Lou," I reply, kissing the back of his head.

"And You know like.... you're so hot too. So sexy, like in bed, when you're moaning for me," Louis continues. "Grrrr...."

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