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Louis' POV

"Hey, honey," I say, hopping up from my chair in the waiting room. "How did it go?"

Harry walks towards me, holding up a box of bandages. "Good I guess. The burns are gonna go away in two weeks, but I have to keep the ones on my chest bandaged and keep putting cream on them."

I smile at Harry and nod encouragingly. I feel so bad for him, as he's been crying a ton today. Since last night, the side of the face that got burned has turned a bright shade of red, and the skin has tightened up, making it hard for him to move it.

His chest is even worst - it's now red and covered with blisters, causing him to wince when he touches it against anything in the slightest. I hate seeing Harry in so much pain, but it looks like this doctor's visit is going to help get him back on track to feeling better. 

As I look at Harry, I think back to last night when I returned back to the apartment with the ointments from CVS. He was crying hysterically and I rushed over to him, cradling him in my arms like a child. 

"Are you okay?" I asked, my eyes widening. 

"No," Harry whimpered. 

Panicked, I began to open one of the burn relief creams. "Are you crying because it hurts?" 

Harry shook his head, his hair falling into his eyes. "No," he croaked. "I'm crying because I'm deformed."

I inspected his face, examining the inflammation that was already forming. 

"Hey," I said, smoothing his hair back and planting a kiss on his forehead. "You're beautiful. Even with your burns, you're still more beautiful than anyone I've ever met. Okay?" 

Harry pouted his lips but accepted my statement, and I pulled him in for a gentle hug, careful not to put any pressure on his chest.

Now, as we exit the doctor's office, I can tell Harry is still concerned about his appearance. He's wearing a beanie even though it's not too chilly out, and has it pulled down extremely low on the burned side of his face. 

It pains me to see my usual happy-go-lucky ball of energy so sad and ashamed. If I could go back in time and undo the whole situation leading up to the burns, I would. But I can't, so I settle for the next best thing.

"Hey, I know what'll make you feel better," I say, taking his hand. "Bubble tea!" 

Harry half smiles at me, though I can tell it hurts to smile by the way he winces. "I do love bubble tea..."

"Awesome, let's go then!" I cry. I kiss his cheek and then pull him in the direction of the bubble tea shop. 

When we get inside a few minutes later, Harry instantly slinks back, exiting the doorway as quickly as he entered it. 

"Haz, what's wrong I ask?" following after him.

"Niall's in here!" he says, his green eyes expanding to the size of saucers. 

"So?" I ask, rubbing his back. "That's a good thing, yeah? He's your friend."

"No!" Harry cries, pointing at his face. "I don't want him to see me like this."

"Babe, he's your best friend! He won't care," I reply, coaxing him back into the shop. 

Harry grumbles and folds his arms. "Won't be surprised if he's no longer my best friend after seeing me look like the fucking joker...."

We walk in together, and Harry tries to avoid Niall, but Niall spots him and rushes over. 

"Hey, lads!" Niall says as he approaches us.

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