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a/n: I promised you this. It's super late. It's super bad. I'm super sorry. 

Harry's POV 

"Hellloooo!" I shout, knocking on the door to Louis' aunt's apartment. 

"Harry!" The door swings open and I run inside, dropping my suitcase on the ground and jumping into Louis' arms. I'm way too tall to be tackling him like this, but hey, it's been a fucking month and I've missed him. 

"You look so cute," Louis coos as he hugs me close. "How's my little Boston babe?"

"Good," I laugh. "Though it took forever to get here. I'm super hungry. And delirious. I've been up since six."

Louis glances at the time on his phone which reads 10pm. "Wow," he says. "Let's get some food in you then."

"Let's go," I say. 

I'm so tired and loopy from my five hour bus ride that I don't even care where we're headed. We could be going to get street tacos with cat meat for all I care. I'm more focused on the delicious snack in front of me: 5'8 with pretty blue eyes and a jawline that could sculpt marble. 

Is he always this dreamy?

"Baby, you seem so distracted," Louis giggles, pushing a loose curl out of my eye. I squeeze his hand, brushing against the sleeve of his black thermal, and he smiles at me. 

"I missed you," I say softly. "So much."

"I missed you so much too," Louis replies. "You're so gorgeous."

I can't remember much about what I said after that. I vaguely recollect going into a dimly lit bar which had super slow service. I order a grilled cheese with fries and Louis gets a burger and a mojito. I'm too sleepy to drink, but I steal a sip of his cocktail when he isn't looking. 

Eventually, we make our way back to the apartment. We have a bit of sex, of course. It's good, but not great. It's kind of rushed. We both haven't seen each other in so long that we could barely hold back from cumming. I guess I should have been disappointed, but really I was just glad to get intimate with him again. It had been ages since I had been laid. And my hand just wasn't doing it anymore. 

We fall asleep around midnight, my head on Louis' chest. I'm so surprised when I wake up in the middle of the night to find him fast asleep next to me, his eyes closed and his button nose twitching a little. 

Louis usually goes to bed around 3am - actually that's early for him - but it seems like he's just as tired as I am from his flight. I stroke his hair and plant a kiss on his cheek before rolling over and going back to bed. 

It takes me a while to fall back asleep. Since I go to bed so much earlier than him, Louis spends a lot of time watching me sleep or taking pictures of me as I cuddle against my pillow. I rarely see him sleeping. In fact, this is the first time in a long time that I have - and I don't think I've ever seen someone look so precious. 

Eventually, I do drift off to sleep. Whatever kind of mattress they have in his aunt's mattress must be amazing because I wake up feeling more rested than ever. Some might say I'm a little too rested. 

"Are you hype??" I shout excitedly as I hop out of bed. 

"Yes," Louis giggles, sitting up in his seat. "But it's only 9am, love the concert festival isn't until 2pm."

"I know," I reply, smirking. "But we have the whole day to spend together now. I leave tomorrow after all."

"True," Louis replies. He reaches out, hooking my arm with his leg and pulls me back onto the bed. A goofy smile spreads across his face. "Are you ready to party with Cardi?" 

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