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Harry's POV 

Louis' surgery is on a Monday morning, and unfortunately, I can't take off from work to go with him. His aunt will be there the whole time, and apparently it's a standard procedure, so he should be fine. 

But of I course I can't help but worry about him. He's so adorable and tiny and precious. I check my phone every five minutes waiting for an update. The surgery started at 8am, so he should be done soon. 

After what feels like eternities later, I finally get a message from him on my lunch break. It's a snap chat photo of Louis in his hospital gown, smiling lazily and giving a thumbs up to the camera. 

Based on the way his eyes are glazed over, it's clear that he's still on painkillers. But he's okay! Thank god he's okay. I immediately take out my phone to text him back, not caring about the 'no phone' policy in the office. 

Harry: Yay! You're okay <3 how do you feel, cutie?

Louis: really fuzzy and good

Louis: it will hurt later tho

Louis: when wil i see u

Louis: Harold 

Harry: Soon! I will come over later today, yeah? 

I normally don't spend a ton of time at Louis' place because his aunt is pretty crazy and doesn't allow company to stay in the house past 10pm. But Louis is going to be out of commission for the next week with his bad shoulder, so of course I'll make the trek for him. 

"What are you smiling at?" my coworkers asks, raising an eyebrow. 

"Oh, um, nothing," I say, trying to hide my smile. "It's just my boyfriend. He just went under surgery and he's still pretty drugged up."

"Oh, that's cute," she replies, taking a seat next to me. "I didn't know you had a boyfriend. Do you have a photo of him?"

I blush and open my lock screen to reveal a selfie of Louis and I, with Louis looking up at me with wide eyes and a toothy grin. His blue eyes look even brighter in the afternoon sunlight of the beach, where this photo was taken not too long ago. 

"Wow, he's cute!" she says, nudging me in the ribs. 

"He is. Super cute," I say. I feel my cheeks getting hot - I don't really talk about Louis much, but when I do it's always with pride and excitement. Though I try to be humble about it, I usually fail because he's just too adorable not to show off. 

By the time work ends and I get onto the train, it feels like decades have passed. I am so eager to see Louis that I speed walk through the train station and end up making a train much earlier than the one I expected to take. 

As I sit in the train car waiting, I take out my phone and text Louis a selfie of me sticking my tongue out. 

Harry: Can't wait to see you. Be there in 30

Louis: Okay. In so much pain :(

Louis: Can't wait either 

He's in pain? I suddenly feel so bad. I picked him up chocolates from CVS - it's more of a Valentine's gift than a get-well-soon present, but I was in a hurry and couldn't think of anything else. Now I'm thinking maybe I should have gotten him an icepack or something instead...

"Hey, Louis - oh hello Ms. Smith," I say as the door swings open. I thought for sure it was going to be Louis, but his aunt, who rarely has any kind of contact with me, walks into the doorway and offers me a stiff smile. 

"He's upstairs," his aunt says, pointing to the staircase. I nod and remove my shoes, heading up the steps and to Louis' room where we've made love silently on more than one occasion while she was sleeping. 

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