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Louis' POV

When we wake up in the morning, I'm surprised to find Harry still there, holding me. After everything I had done - it was a miracle he hadn't left.

"Hey," Harry says, meeting eyes with me as I sit upright.

"Hey," I reply, stroking his back. "I um.... I'm so sorry. I got so scared. Things were moving so fast... and I just panicked. Harry, I love you so fucking much and I can't lose you. I'm so, so sorry."

Harry sits up next to me, stretching a bit and bringing his knees to his chest. His eyes are red and puffy and his hair is matted. He looks a mess- he looks a mess because of me.

"You broke my heart," he finally says, pushing his hair out of his eyes. "I thought you didn't love me anymore... you said it was over...."

"I'm so sorry. I do you love, though," I say. I peer into his emerald eyes and hold back tears. "I never stopped loving you... I was being selfish, Harry. I want to stay together. I do."

Harry sighs, and places his chin on his knees, frowning. "How do I know this won't happen again... maybe we should just end things now after all... I can't get hurt again... I leave for Spain tomorrow and..."

"Harry!" I say, leaning towards him and cupping his jaw in my hands. "Harry, please. Please, let's not end it. It won't happen again. I said I'm sorry - I'm so so sorry and I know I can never make it up to you. I know it caused you so much pain, but baby, I need you."

Harry sighs and nods, biting his lip. "I need you too. But I feel sick to my stomach right now, Louis. You don't know what you just put me through..."

He takes a deep breath and stands up, pulling on his clothes.

"I fucked up so badly," I say. I know I'm just digging my grave deeper, but I have to try. What I did was so wildly wrong, so completely absurd.

I could never break up with Harry-  I could never. But things were just getting so serious, and I've never had serious before. I never had stability. I always just went from one guy to the next, not  really ever trusting anyone. I've never opened myself so deeply up to someone in my life. And now Harry was talking about future plans and his family events and I just couldn't handle it.

I was scared. I was scared to think I might lose him by doing something stupid. Or that we might keep on dating only to find we were never meant to be. I'm scared to have things end with slamming doors and daily arguments just like it did with my parents.... I'm scared of all of it.

But sometimes, to grow, you have to be scared. You have to be brave and push through and meet your fear head on. And I'm 24 now, I have to stop running from commitment. Just because it didn't work out for my parents, doesn't mean it won't work out between me and Harry.

He's starting to leave now, packing up his bag to go. But he can't go yet. I have to tell him, I have to explain.

"Babe," I say, grabbing his arm gently. "I love you so much and I just got so scared. I felt pressured and I kept thinking of my parents and how it didn't work out and I projected that onto us and I just... I wanted to end it before we started fighting and hating each other. But I realized we are not my parents... it doesn't have to be like that. I shouldn't sabotage what we have..."

Harry nods, and inhales quickly, rubbing his eyes. "I believe you, Lou. I understand. I'm just hurt and upset."

"OK. But... you leave for Spain tomorrow, so, where do we stand?" I ask hurriedly.

"I... fuck, babe. I want to be with you. I just need to know that you want to be with me. For real," Harry says, strapping his bag around his arm.

"I do. I promise you I do," I say, kissing his cheek.

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