Getting Serious

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Trigger warnings: talk of eating disorders - just a refresher because i kind of forgot this too: At the moment, Louis is really into working out and tries to keep a 'clean diet.' Harry works out too and is struggling to recover from an eating disorder he developed in high school. Louis had bulimia in middle school.

Louis' POV

After Harry and I have sex, we sort of just lie there, smiling at each other like idiots. I knew having sex with Harry for the first time would be good - but I didn't know it would be this good.

I've have sex with a few lads in the past. I did fancy some of them, but I never had sex with someone like Harry. I never had sex with someone I loved.

Honestly, I have taken a guy's virginity before. So that wasn't new to me. I only ever top. Bottom just isn't my forte. But what was different was how connected I felt to Harry, how intertwined our bodies felt in the moment.

I had to be gentle with him. Of course I had to be gentle with my delicate little flower. I usually like it rough, but I didn't mind at all. Harry was so nervous, and I wanted him to feel comfy. So I went at his pace, slow and sensual.

It was hard getting in, I will admit. I felt so bad for the poor lad, because I know how much it hurts when you're not opened up enough. I mean, it hurts me too, just trying to jam my dick in there, but nowhere near as bad as it does for him.

Once I was finally in, though, it was amazing. Absolutely blissful. I grabbed him by the hips and I could just feel him so intensely. That's what it was - intense. There's no other way to describe.

And his moaning. Fuck, his moaning was so god damn hot. Harry is so god damn hot in general. I mean fuck, have you seen has body? Those long, sexy legs. His muscular arms, his toned torso. He's so god damn hard on himself, and some days I just wish he could see himself the way I see him. Beautiful, lovely, flawless.

"Mmm, I love you, LouBear," Harry says, crawling onto my chest.

"I love you too, Haz," I say, kissing him on the head. "Like so fucking much."

"Sex was so fun," Harry says, the corners of his mouth turning up into a sneaky smile.

"It was," I reply, giggling and pushing loose curls out of his eyes. He's covered in sweat and all out of breath, but he still looks so b e a u t i f u l.

"Come here, my baby," I say, pulling him up so he's lying next to me. "You know you're so gorgeous, Harry. Right? Like you know that?"

Harry pushes out his lower lip and looks at me with wide eyes. "Thank you," he says shyly. "Thank you, so are you."

"Aww," I reply. "Well thanks, Haz. But that's not what I asked. Do you know... do you know you're beautiful?"

"I mean... I guess," Harry says. He blushes and burrows his head into the crook of my neck, hiding from me like a little kid.

I tickle his neck and he jerks away. "Stop!" he whines.

"I guess? You should know. I want you to know," I say, peering into his eyes. He's still squirming even though I have stopped tickling him.

"Okay, okay. Now I know," Harry says, making a duck face.

But I'm not convinced. I know it can take ages to gain body confidence, but I just wish I could like... show him...

Moving closer to him, I lean over him and start planting kisses all over him. On his chest, on his arms, on his thighs, on his tummy.

"Harry styles, you are so fucking hot," I say between kisses. "That if I could kiss every part of you I would."

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