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Author's Note: Buckle up, lads! Tons of smut ;) 

Harry 's POV

After the gym, Louis and I head back to my place. We're both totally sweaty, but that doesn't stop us from fooling around on the train. Louis squeezes my ass and gives me a kiss on the cheek. 

"Awesome workout, babe," he says. "You're so fit."

I laugh, wishing I could believe him. I mean I do... I know I'm in good physical shape. Logically, at least. But emotionally, I sort of feel like I'm not good enough. Louis is so muscular and can lift so much more than me. I'll never be that fit.

I say thanks anyways and pull Louis closer to me on the subway seat, stroking his waist. His ass was straining against his joggers as he did the squats earlier and that's all I can think about right now. 

"Mmm, can't til we get home, babe," I say to Louis, taking his hand. 

"Same," he says, licking his lips. 

I don't know if I've ever been this horny before. My hands are shaking and I feel like I might get a hard on at any moment. I can't fucking wait to get home. 

In terms of getting intimate, Louis and I have hooked up a ton since we first started dating, and it's all been absolutely amazing. We've done everything pretty much. 

Everything but sex. 

To be honest, I'm not quite sure why sex hasn't come up yet. Louis said he wants to wait a little since he knows I'm a virgin, wants me to be comfortable with him first. But I feel like I'm more than comfortable. Maybe even ready. 

I don't mind waiting a bit though. I'm actually glad that our "I love you" came first, before the sex. Because now I can tell him that when I call his name. I can tell him I love him during sex and that's something I've always wanted to do. It sounds magical. 

"Our stop, babe," Louis says, jumping up and leading me out to the platform. 

We head up the stairs to the sidewalk and walk down the block to my apartment, holding hands. 

"Hey, Lou," I say, biting my lip nervously. I'm not even quite sure what it is I want to tell him. I just know I'm really turned on, almost to the point that I can't contain myself. 

"Yeah?" Louis says, swinging my arm a bit. His blue eyes lock with my green ones and he runs a hand over his stubble. 


"I think...I think I want to have sex tonight," I blurt out. 

WOW. Okay then...I guess I just said that. 

"Wow, um..." Louis begins. "Awesome, okay. Are you sure?" 

I nod, my curls falling over my headband and getting into my eyes. "Yeah, I'm sure. I'm a little nervous though," I say, laughing a bit. 

"We don't have to though," Louis says, putting an arm around my waist. "We can wait."

"No," I reply. "No, we've done everything already. I just want this... I feel like the timing is right. I feel ready." 

"Okay," Louis says, giving my ass another squeeze. I bite my lip and close my eyes. "Let's head upstairs then."

The next thing I know Louis and I are running like it's a marathon to get up to my apartment. Like fucking sprinting up those stairs, which ends up being extremely painful because of those squats we did earlier.

As soon as we reach my floor, I unlock it and swing it open. We rush inside, and Louis and I stand there in the foyer, taking our own clothes off like it's a locker room.  I pull of my shorts and boxers off and slam dunk them into the hamper.

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