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A/N: I am getting so exhausted writing this, it's really jogging my memory. But I am going to finish it for y'all. I promise we'll get there. Sometimes I feel like I am just writing 5 million fluff scenarios in a row, but it's really what happened. I hope it's interesting.

Harry's POV

"Where are we going?" I ask. I'm smiling so fucking wide right now and I can't help it. It's by 21st birthday and Louis is here and that's all that really matters.

"Well, we could be super American and go to the bar and get you your 'first legal drink,'" Louis says, grabbing my hand and twirling my wrist a bit. "But you and I both know you've been UK legal for ages. I have something a little different planned."

"Okay!" I say, shimmying my shoulders closer to Louis and pushing my face against his.

"Harold, you invade my personal space constantly, but I love it," Louis says, running a hand through my hair.

I honestly can't believe how turned on I am right now. We literally just had sex less than an hour ago... twice. The blow-up mattress in my room has definitely seen better days.

Louis takes my hand and begins to walk down the street, leading us past colorful street art and overfilled parking lots. Just as I begin to wonder where exactly we're headed, I see my favorite crepe restaurant emerging in the distant.

Crepes are Louis' absolute favorite food. He tells me Germans love their crepes, but I'm pretty sure it's a French thing? Who knows?

Anyways, we've been to more crepe cafes in the past few months than I can count on two hands, and I've grown to love the delicious, Nutella filled pastries. This place that we're going to now is actually a crepe place Niall and I discovered last semester. It's an Asian fusion place, so the crepes have tons of options like green tea ice cream, fruit, and Mochi.

"How did you know about this place?" I ask Louis, jumping onto his back as we make our way inside.

"Harold," Louis yelps. "You are 6 feet tall, mister. You can't jump on me like a child. But if you must know, Niall told me."

I laugh and jump off him, running over to the poster of a chocolate ice cream crepe stuffed with Nutella. It's wild to me how comfortable I've become with Louis since we met last fall. At first, I was so nervous and constantly afraid he would leave if I did something wrong.

But now, I trust him completely, and I have no fear being unapologetically myself. Even if that self happens to be a squealing child in a 21 year olds man body.

After a few minutes, Louis picks what he wants and we place our orders, watching excitedly as the man prepares the crepes on a spinning burner in front of us.

Part of me feels a tinge of guilt for choosing such an unhealthy choice. There were other crepes with nuts and fruit, but I chose the dessert one. And I literally just had dessert this afternoon when Louis baked me a penis shaped birthday cake...

It's all too much in my head. But Instead of panicking, I take a deep breath and push those nagging thoughts to the back of my mind. It's my birthday and I'm going to fucking enjoy it.

"Damn, these are good," Louis says. His blue eyes widen and his lips twist into a satisfied smile.

"Can I have a bite?" I ask, reaching for his strawberry shortcake crepe.

Louis hands me it and then pushes the whipped cream into my face, getting it all over my nose and chin.

"I hate you," I grumble, sticking my tongue out him.

"Love you too," Louis chuckles.

A little while later, once we're finished with our food, Louis takes my hand and leads me down the road to our next destination. Once we reach the cement steps, I know exactly where we're headed.

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