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Harry's POV

Warning: this is a super duper emotional chapter. this really happened to me IRL (i'm harry) so it was hard to write about and really upsets me. but let's just get on with it.

"Hey, babe," Louis says as we get back to his aunt's house. She's out of town, and the concert venue was only a 10 minute ride from her house, whereas it would have taken two hours to get back to mine.

"What?" I ask, removing my shirt and jeans. I plop onto the bed, wrapping myself in the covers.

Louis takes of his clothes too and lies next to me. "I had a good time."

"Me too," I reply, eyeing him warily. His lips are telling me he had a good time, but his eyes say otherwise. "Is... is something wrong?"

Louis squirms a bit and looks away, readjusting his glasses. "No, I'm fine."

"Babe," I say, sitting up in the bed. "You're worrying me. What's wrong?"

Louis sighs and brings his knees to his chest. "I just... I know we talked about it and I said I was fine with Spain. And I am. But it got me thinking about this whole relationship. Like all of it... and there's the 6 months of distance and you constantly inviting me to family events and asking about the future.... and it's just, it's too much."

Oh my god.

"W-what?" I stammer. "I'm sorry, I can try to work on that... I thought we talked about this. I asked you if things were fine.... I know you've been quiet lately, is this why?"

Louis bites his lips, not daring to meet my gaze. "Yeah, kinda... It's just, I don't know Harry, I love you so much but I think we want different things...."

He isn't. Tell me he isn't.

"It's not you it's me...." Louis continues, quickly making eye contact through his peripheral vision.

"You did not just say that," I choke as a lump begins to form in the back of my throat. "Are you... Louis, are you breaking up with me?"

We meet eyes fully for the first time since this conversation began, and I can see that he's crying. His eyes are red and tears are collecting on his cheeks.

He's crying... but does he know badly I'm crying on the inside?

"I -- I don't know," he stammers. "I don't want to, but I think we should."

In that instant, my heart begins beating like a drum and I whirl around, rushing away from him and sitting on the edge of the bed.

I feel many things right now - hurt, devastated, crushed. But even more importantly, STUPID. Stupid for thinking this would ever work out. Stupid for not putting the pieces together. Stupid for not seeing it coming.

"Harry, talk to me," Louis says. I feel his hand on my shoulder and I rip my arm away from his reach, staring at him in disgust. "Don't... fucking.... touch me."

Louis backs up and throws his hands in the air. "I'm sorry, I just don't know what to do right now."

He doesn't know what to do? Well then how the fuck am I supposed to know what to do either?

Just minutes ago, I was just having the time of my life at the concert - things were going so well, Louis told me he loved me about six times throughout the night. But now he's doing... THIS.

"Just, get away from me," I shout. I'm sobbing now, loudly, uncontrollably. My shoulders are shaking and low, deep moans escape my lips. They're not in pleasure this time, though - they're in agony. Unapologetic pain.

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