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Harry's POV 

Sadly, the night of Louis' arrival, he has to go home after we finish playing videogames. He's 24 and a grown adult, yet his aunt is super strict about curfew and won't let him stay there if he doesn't follow it. She might not have furniture in her house or spend any time there during the day, but she sleeps there and she certainly notices when Louis isn't home. 

I wished that Louis could have stayed the night at my place, but I don't mind. We'll have that opportunity another time. I hope.

Louis and I don't see each other for a few days after that. I have a few appointments to take care of, and he's trying to find a job in a research lab. But at the end of the week, on Friday, we meet up again to go window shopping and grab a bite to eat. 

"You're so cute," he tells me, grabbing me by the waist and kissing me chastely on the lips. Every time I see Louis my heart starts pounding and a silly smile spreads across my lips. I definitely look the way my gold retriever, Rocky, looked when I came home as a kid. Overeager, ecstatic, and totally in love. 

I pull Louis into a hug. "You smell good," I whisper, breathing in his cologne. Then I wrinkle my nose. "Louis, can we find a bathroom? I have to poop?"

Louis rolls his eyes and hits me playfully on the shoulder. It's only our third date but it feels like our fortieth - I feel like I can tell him anything, no matter how weird or embarrassing and he'll still care about me. He'll still be here. 

There's something almost magical about being in a long distance relationship. As much as the distance and lack of intimacy sucks, it creates a powerful bond between you and your partner. Anyone can date their neighbor down the hall or the boy across the street. But it takes a special type of commitment to stay with someone even if they live miles and miles across the country. 

Louis and I certainly have something special. And thinking back to our first Tinder conversation, I never ever thought I would end up with him. But here we are, walking through Times Square, holding hands. He's leading me to the bathroom like a little kid, and I'm squirming around as I walk because I have to go so bad. 

It's fucking hilarious. But it's also adorable. 

I think I might....

"Harry!" Louis calls, snapping me out of my thoughts. "There's the bathroom, love. Want me to come in and change your diaper?"

I shake my head, staring into his deep sapphire eyes. "No, I can do it myself," I reply. "I wore the Elmo diapers today. They're easier to take off."

Louis chuckles and then heads  to a nearby bench to wait for me to go inside the cafe to use the restroom. 

Eventually, I come back out, holding too coffees. A latee for me, and a black coffee for Louis. 

"Aww, cutie, you didn't have to get me a coffee," Louis says, smiling up at me. His beard looks thicker than normal - I guess he hasn't been shaving as much lately - but I really like it.

"I couldn't poo in there if I didn't by anything," I admit, blushing. "But let's just pretend I was being thoughtful."

Louis rolls his eyes and I take a seat on the bench next to him. We sip our coffee in silence and my mind starts racing as I try to figure out what he's thinking about. How is he feeling? I know he likes me... but does he feel as jittery and excited as I do? I just can't seem to tell...

"Harry, stop tapping your foot," Louis says, grabbing my leg and running his hand down it. "You seem more nervous than you did on our first date. What's wrong, love?"

I shrug and cuddle closer to Louis, putting an arm around him. "I don't know, I guess I'm just a bit anxious. I'm wondering what you're feeling right now, or thinking," I reply. 

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