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Harry's POV

I didn't know how to react when he kissed me. The whole time during the date I was nearly going mad over how attractive Louis was. I wad tapping my feet, fidgeting, barely paying attention to the conversation half the time. I just keep staring into his deep blue eyes and tracing his sharp jawline with my eyes and checking out his bulging biceps.

Now, as we sit on the bench, he's suddenly kissing me. He's grabbing my face with one hand and stroking my back with the other and his tongue is weaving in and out of my mouth and his stubble is grazing against my lips and I don't think I can breathe.

I kiss back, but barely. I'm too overwhelmed, too excited. I end up opening my eyes, even though his are closed, and i realize families are all around us. We're next to a fucking playground for God's sake. I can't make out in front of a playground, I need mg privacy.

I take a moment to kiss Louis back, soft and slow, grabbing at his delicious bicep a little. But a woman with her stroller nearly knocks into me and I immediately jerk away, giggling.

"What?" Louis asks, raising an eyebrow. "You okay?"

I continue to laugh, nearly shaking as I throw my palms into my face.

"I'm sorry, I just can't do this here," I giggle. "I need some privacy."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Harry," Louis replied. I expected him to make fun of me, but he seems totally understanding. His blue eyes circle my face for a moment and then he takes my hand, nearly electrifying me with his touch. His hands are rough and hard, but his touch is gentle.

"Let's go, Hazza," he says quietly, leading me away from the park full of screaming children. "I know a place."

"I'm sorry," I stammer as we head down the street. "I just get nervous."

"It's okay," Louis replies with a smile. "You're a good kisser."

I blush, rubbing the back of my neck with my free hand. "Thanks, so are you," i reply, smiling.

Louis nods and we continue down the road, padding restaurants on the way.

"That boba tea shop is so good," Louis says, pointing at the sign.

"I've never been," I reply. "Looks good."

"Yeah," he replies. "We should go sometime."

We start to slow down and Louis leads me to a bench, which is in a little outdoor patio area outside of an office building. Businessmen are hurrying in and out, and to me this seems worse than the park.

Louis sits down on the stone bench and motions for me to sit down too.

I stare at him, wide eyed.

"What's wrong, love?" Louis asks, chuckling at my facial expression.

"Well, There's not room for both of us," I Point out.

"I know," he says, biting his lip. "You're gonna sit on my lap."

"Oh," I reply. Suddenly I feel so dumb.

I sit down on Louis lap, bridal style, trying not to crush him with my long legs.

Without hesitating, He grabs me, pulling my face towards his and kissing me passionately. I kiss back, shuddering as he runs his hands across my torso and over my back and shoulders.

Louis deepens the kiss, pushing his tongue further into my mouth. He gnaws on my bottom lip and then stops, allowing me to do the same to him. Our tongues graze each other and I nearly moan. I hope he doesn't feel how hard I am.

How We Met: A Tinder Story (Larry Stylinson)✅Where stories live. Discover now