Coming Home

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A/n: happy Fourth of July to my fellow Americans :) and congrats on the win to all my English followers <yes lads yes> Louis posted an adorable selfie on insta today and my heart is full. Z posted a photo of the words "4th July" laid out in blunts and I'm not even sure what to think about that lmao.

Anywho.... it's July 4th and I'm currently at 4K reads (almost!) and I just wanna thank each and every one of you for sticking with me through this story. Especially those who comment and leave me adorable messages about Larry interviews I didn't even know existed (I need to do more research ahhhh). I am so grateful to all of you and appreciate your support :) much much much love. -Sam

Also, on the theme of fours I'm gonna post 4 facts about me... just for shits n giggles. Here we go:

1. I was a Spanish major in uni so that's why there's a bit of Spanish in this story. Haha. Or should I say: jaja
2. I fuckin love British culture - ever since I visited London last year I have been trying to perfect my British accent. I watch British tv shows and I think I'm British secretly
3. I am inappropriate as fuck so it's almost expected that i will embarrass u in public if you're my friend
4. My bf looks nothing like Louis but he is a fuckin cutie I wish I could post a photo of us but then I wouldn't anonymous anymore and everyone would know my LARRY addiction #sad

Okay. That is me. Now let's get on with this mother fucking story.BITCH. This is a FLUFFY chapter so buckle up and get ready to laugh and say 'aww, harry u are crazy' <3 leggo

Harry's POV

My plane ride home to the states was supposed to be a relaxing one. But of course it was anything but. On my way to Spain in January, the plane had been half empty, but now in June, it's tourist season, and every single seat is occupied. 

Of course I have shit luck and get the middle seat, wedged between a petite woman and a tall man who looks like he knocks down buildings with his fists for a living. Grimacing, I buckle my seatbelt and insert my earbuds, hoping this nine flight goes by as quickly as possible. 

Once again, my sleeping pill does not work. So I decide to spend my time relaxing and watching movies. I passed all of my classes - thank the lord - and I officially only have two more semesters of uni left before I finish my degree. I plan to chill out for the next two weeks until my summer job begins. 

The first movie I choose is an American chick flick. It's good, but not as good the Zac Efron movie I watched on the way to Spain. I put on another movie after that one finishes - it's a Spanish chick flick this time called "No culpes al karma" and it's absolutely hilarious. The movie is full of sexy actors, hilarious scenes, and pretty amazing visual effects. I feel bad for my neighbors when I start laughing out loud, but I can't help it. The movie is bloody amazing. 

Once I get to my fourth movie, I feel like I am going to pass out, but my eyes will simply not stay shut. I'm full of way too much anxiety and I simply cannot seem to ease my mind no matter how hard I try. I realize as a couple appears on screen that the reason I'm probably so nervous is because - oh yeah, I'm FUCKING SEEING LOUIS IN A FEW HOURS. 

Louis and I haven't seen each other in six months, and to say I'm excited would be the understatement of the year. Our relationship has been on the mend since January, and I feel like I can begin to trust him again and let him back in. I've been open with him about the struggles I faced in Spain, the loneliness, the culture shock. He's been open with me about his difficulties with the night shift, not being able to work out, and his body image issues. Things really seem to be looking up. 

But if I'm being completely honest, what I'm looking forward to the most is the SEX. Since we were still together in Spain, I didn't hook up with anyone for the past half a year, and at this point, I'm thoroughly sexually deprived. I can take care of myself - and I have been - but nothing quite beats the sensation of Louis thrusting into me while I lie on my tummy. Or me thrusting into him as I press him against the wall. Fuck. I nearly get hard just thinking about it. 

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