}« Six »{

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    “Finn, do you actually expect I’ll look admirable just because I’m wearing a red dress?” Rey scoffed, looking down at herself in indignation.

    The dress was a dark shade of red that wasn't very vibrant, more of a deep and elegant ruby, but it was floor-length and absolutely riveting.

    Finn, obviously seeing the same thing, grinned and circled Rey in the spacious stylist room. She was stunning before, but the way the light bounced off her perfectly made up cheeks, made her eyes gleam and the way the red brought out the perfect apricot hue of her skin turned her into an absolutely jaw-dropping sight to behold.

    “Absolutely.” Finn replied. “Red is definitely your color, hun. Come on, give me a twirl now.”

    Rey laughed as she gave a small twirl- and to her shock and delight, small sparks and miniscule flames spiraled up from the mermaid-tail bottom cut. “This is beautiful!”

    Finn crossed his arms smugly. “And that, Rey, is how you become admirable. You go out there looking and acting like that, and you'll be Coruscant’s favorite, adorable, intimidating, most powerful, sexy Tribute out of them all.”

    Rey’s mouth dipped into a frown. “Finn, that's different. I can actually stand you. The rest of them? I wouldn't mind if a Death Star blew every single one of them to smithereens.”

    In fact, if she had the option, she'd personally press the button and destroy their planet. And why not? Coruscant's natives would do the same to hers to save their own measley skins. They'd done it before, and if they'd had another Death Star, they'd do it again. Alas, she was supposed to stay there and play nice. How would she do that?

    “Just imagine you're talking to me. Besides, I’ll be in the front row.” He smiled.“I know you now. Just make them see that side of you, the side I know, and you're golden.” He stepped closer then, and Rey got a more thorough glance at how perfect his eyeliner was flecked. His eyebrow game was on point as well. Rey was able to pay very close attention to his facial features as he leaned close to her cheek and kissed her before saying, “I’m betting on you, girl on fire.”


    “Rey? You're on in 5.” A stage worker chewing gum informed her, her heels clicking as she walked forward to the girl with a powerful swagger to her step. Rey nodded in acknowledgement, slightly intimidated as the woman scribbled down small notes on a brown clipboard.

      Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she gradually realized that the entirety of the galaxy would most likely be watching her. Waiting for a screw-up. Anticipating it with pleasing expectations.

    She'd not heard much of the elusive Poe Dameron, either. Outside of interviews for the Tributes and occasional narration of the games, quite surprisingly, he seemed to keep to himself. He was also extremely new- he'd only done last year’s games, coming in as a successor to a man titled Grand Moff Peavey. He had never been a very enthusiastic narrator or interviewer- which was most likely why he'd been replaced with the easily excitable Poe.

    Of course, Poe was a member of the elitists in the games. Along the duration of the two weeks that the Hunger Games continued, he would narrate facts such as what a Tribute was going up against, or aid the Gamemakers in selecting an obstacle to kill off a Tribute. His power was dangerous, so it was crucial for him to be amused by the certain contestants. Otherwise, he could strike them down with one cruel stroke.

Rey only hoped he was easy to talk to.

    And that thought stayed with her as she shakily accepted the instructions to go up the stage steps from the side, and walked out onto the stage to thunderous applause from the entire indoor stadium. Cheers erupted from everyone in the room as Rey’s red heels click-clacked across the stage. Poe Dameron, smiling from the previous interview, stepped up from his seat to address Rey.

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