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     "Welcome to your new home." Ciena smiled happily at all four of the tributes, sweeping her hand out in a grand gesture to advertise the penthouse suite. Complete with top-of-the-line furniture, grand ceilings and platform beds, the massive floor could have set Rey up for life. She made her way through the decorated corridors to the four bedrooms, each identical, and sat down on one of the beds. The plush mattress was comfort she'd never thought possible.

"Wait until you see the showers." Thane grinned, following Rey as she made her way through her new bedroom and into a gaping bathroom. Rey inspected the shower, complete with more nozzles and buttons and handles than the entire fallen AT-AT walker she took residence in back on Jakku.

"'Autumn Sunset'? 'Candlelight Fantasy'? What do those even mean?" She asked, inspecting the looming wall of the shower and its endless amount of buttons. Each rounded indent had a name below it, each with more ridiculous names than its predecessor.

"Scents. You press one of those and suddenly you smell like a lilac sky." Thane rolled his eyes.

"Coruscant has some of the most ridiculous luxuries, doesn't it? The only scents you had unlimited access to on Jakku were sand and unclean stench- but hey, come to Coruscant, where you can smell like purple roses!"

She knew she shouldn't, as he was from the First Order and supported murder of outlying planets- but Rey was starting to like Thane and his dry sarcasm.


     "My favorite room." Kendy admitted, rejoining the rest of the tributes to stand in the colossal kitchen. A massive icebox- "refrigerator", Thane and Ciena called it- stood vigil on the wall, stainless steel and sterile. Surrounding it were grand cabinets that housed every spice and kitchen ingredient imaginable, and black granite countertops supported coffee machines, a wide variety of silverware, and other kitchen utensils.

     "You won't need any of this anyway." Ciena informed her, gesturing to a holo on the countertop. "Room service- cooks whatever meal you request and sends it up through the dumbwaiter over there." She pointed to a small metal box in the wall, right above the countertop.

     "Logically speaking, the equipment in the kitchen and the comfort of our new lodging makes not one bit of sense." The blonde one, Jude, commented. Ciena and Thane both turned from Kendy to face her, waiting for her to continue on.

Rey and Berisse, curious, also turned about to look at her. Rey had pegged Jude as the soft, quiet one- and the sudden outburst surprised her.

     "Why are you supplying us with three-course meals, extremely high-quality lofts, and waterfall showers with scent settings when 47 of us are going to die at the hands of your government?" As soon as she had finished her rant, Ciena quickly pulled Jude towards her and clapped a hand over her mouth.

Rey could see Thane subtly roll his eyes.

"That was a warning. What you're saying technically counts as treason. Don't say it again." Ciena said, in an almost threatening tone.

     Thane slapped his palm to his forehead in agitation. "No, Jude. It wasn't treason. Your question was completely logical and let me answer it- yes, it does seem like we're buttering you up just to murder you, right? It's a show of our generosity. Seeing as most of you will be slaughtered, we have to try and make you as comfortable as possible. And while Ciena over there-" he glanced sideways to his partner, and she slowly released Jude- "is very committed to keeping with the rules, I am here to do whatever possible to make you comfortable in your unfortunate circumstances."

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