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     "So… I guess this is goodbye." Rey said, and pulled Shira into a hug. "I can't believe we're actually going home. It doesn't feel real."

     Rey, Jude and Kendy- they'd tried to invite Berisse, but she was nowhere to be found- had all gone a floor below them to say their farewells to the girls from Mandalore before they left for their hovercraft flight back to Jakku.

     The girls had until midday to part with everything they hated- and loved- about Coruscant, including their former teammates. It was a bittersweet reunion. After all that the girls had been through together, it didn't feel right to go their separate ways.

"Only for now." Shira reminded her gently. "In fact, I'm sure we'll be seeing each other again very soon."

As Rey pulled back, there was something in Shira's eyes that somehow suggested she wasn't even talking about the Victor's Tour. Rey wanted to ask what she meant, but she didn't know what to say.

Instead, Shira turned to Kendy and pulled her into an embrace.

"I know we argued some, but I'll miss my hunting partner." Shira said, and Kendy grinned.

"We're the dream team." She agreed.

Jude and Shira hugged as well, but it was noticeably stiffer than the others had been. The two were mere acquaintances, and had hardly talked to each other. It didn't last nearly as long as Rey's had.

Rey turned to Zah and felt her heart break as she looked at the girl.

     Her black hair, usually up in a large bun, laid on either side of her face in dark, greasy ringlets, and there were dark circles under her eyes. She looked as though she hadn't showered since before the girls entered the Arena, even though they'd been cleaned up immediately after being retrieved from the Arena.

"I know." Zah gestured to herself and smiled weakly at Rey. "I look rough. Haven't had the will to fix it, I guess."

     Rey pulled the girl into a hug and held her tightly. "Every time I fall asleep, I think of her." She murmured. "I hear her telling me about your plans for your house together. I see her carving the names into the tree and smiling at the darkest times in the Games."

     Rey cleared her throat and tears welled up in her eyes. "I- remember her promising to Naysori that she'd get out of the Arena, no matter what. And I feel her hand on my face as she says goodbye. She left such an impression on me, Zah, and I knew her for weeks. I can't even begin to imagine what you're feeling right now."

     Zah held on tight to the girl, not bothering to wipe away the tears on her face. "I'll never forget how you dived down into the Mutts after her after she- after she got shot. You knew she was already injured, knew she was likely going to- die, and you still risked your life for her. Even though her death meant us getting out of the Arena."

Zah sniffled. "I may not get to share a house with her back on Mandalore, but the rest of my life will be spent fighting for justice. For her. With you."

Rey's eyes widened. "With me? What do you mean?"

     "I know what you showed Fae in the Arena." Zah whispered, quieter. "And I know that, if she was here right now, she'd be swearing in immediately. So, since she's not, I want you to know that I want in. However I do it, whenever you need me, no questions asked. It's the best thing I can do to remember her. Best way I can make sure she didn't die in vain."

     Rey pulled away and wiped the tears from her eyes. She didn't know when Faesh had relayed the information, but after her swearing-in to the Resistance only a few moments ago, she knew that Zah would find herself right at home if she followed suit. All Rey could do was nod to confirm the sentiment, knowing fully well that she didn't have the power to promise her anything- but doing so anyway.

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