}« Twenty »{

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When Naysori woke up, she was angry.

Actually, angry didn’t even begin to describe it. She was furious.

     “So, let me get this straight. You decided to not only go against my requests to not get the medicine, but you poisoned me in order to prevent you from going? All because I didn’t want you risking your lives for me?" She asked, her pitch raising on each voice as she gradually got louder. "You blatantly went against what I asked you to do for my own sake? How can I ever trust any of you ever again?”

     She turned to Rey. “Did those days mean nothing to you? I really thought you respected me enough to follow through with a simple request. But you went ahead and drugged me anyway.”

“And you.” She whirled around to Berisse. “You let them get away with it? After everything we’ve been through?”

Berisse sighed. “Naysori, I had no idea they were going to do it. None of us did. It was entirely Rey and Faesh.”

     “Hey!” Faesh snapped, shocking them both into shutting up. “Don’t you dare blame Rey and me. Every single one of us was on board with getting the antidote. Even Thane and Ciena needed you to get better. They were the ones who sent the sleeping draft in the first place, Naysori.”

     “Yeah? Well, they were also the ones who sent me the medicine that poisoned me in the first place.” She retorted. “I thought we knew better than to trust them.”

     “How would they have known that you were allergic?” Jude counterd. “Rey showed me the note. They said it themselves, they had no idea you'd react like that. It wasn’t like a medical professional in Coruscant was sending it."

     "Yeah, it was some regular sponsor who wanted to see your burn get better, and Thane and Ciena simply sent it through." Kendy added. "Don’t blame them.”

     “It doesn’t matter anyway.” Rey said brusquely. “You shouldn’t be complaining, Naysori. We got the antidote, and it’s over. So you might as well take it and forgive us.”

     Naysori was quiet for a long while. She stared Rey down for an uncomfortable period of time before she grudgingly gave a huff and accepted the pack in her hand.

Inside is a syringe full of a white, translucent liquid.

“Great, a shot.” Naysori said sarcastically. “My first ever. Are we sure this won’t kill me off entirely like the first medicine almost did?”

     “Well, it’s likely not a complete fix.” Jude admitted. “They’ll have to put you under to completely repair what’s going on, and you have to make it out of the Arena for them to do that. But it’ll probably take away the pain for a few days.”

“And then kill me?” Naysori added.

     "At least you get medicine." Rey chimed in. She pointed to the cut on her neck from where Sty had almost decapitated her, and then rotated her arms to show Naysori the bruised and scratched undersides. "Better take it before I do."

No, it won't kill you." Jude rolled her eyes, responding to Naysori and ignoring Rey. “Simply delay the spread of your infection. The medics know what they’re doing.”

     “If you say so." She said unconvincingly. Naysori looked at Rey's neck and cringed. "But if you really went through that for me, I guess I have no choice but to take it. I doubt it can get worse than where I'm at right now anyway.” Naysori plunged the syringe into her arm. She grimaced as she pushed the medicine into her skin, throwing the container onto the ground as soon as she finished.

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