}« Eight »{

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     Three days had passed since Rey'd dropped her pin in the elevator, and she was still internally screaming words at herself that would make a drunken astromech droid blush.

     After all, Rey was a scavenger, born and raised. If you owned something that other people could benefit from stealing it, you needed to keep it very wisely guarded. She'd made the very same mistake once, on Jakku- an entire ship she'd found and repaired, only to have it stolen from right under her nose before she could collect her bounty of portions from Unkar Plutt.

Although the pin was much less significant in terms of worth, being found in the possession of a Jakku Tribute would be enough reason to slaughter her and, in extreme cases, her entire planet, for high treason.

And it was now in the possession of the second-most dangerous man in the galaxy! She mentally screamed to herself, throwing herself onto her plush mattress with an infuriated groan. As if she was ever going to make it out of the Games now-

Rey shivered. Or worse- she lasted until the end for the sole purpose of slaughtering her in public humiliation.

She could see it now. Lasting the entirety of the games, Poe Dameron's voice ringing through the arena to announce the winner- until his tone darkens, thunders, "Traitors never prosper," and an unspeakable execution occurs before Rey can say a word.

How could she have been so stupid?!

Silently, she rattled off a list of her moments of idiocracy on her hand-

Taking a pin from a stranger that will confirm your imminent death.

Befriending those who will eventually just kill you if you don't get slaughtered for crimes against the First Order.

Indulging in Coruscant's dishes that will slow you down in the games- if you aren't killed beforehand for crimes against the First Order.


Thane knocked on the ajar door to her room and Rey jumped. Strange, she thought to herself, she had thought Thane and Ciena were down at the local pub...

Quickly, she composed herself from her thoughts as her mentor walked in, a brown box in his arms-

"You have a package delivery, Rey."

From one glance at his face, she could tell Thane wasn't nearly as confused as she was. But instead of offering an explanation, he simply set it down on the end of her bed and showed himself out.

His odd behavior left her confused, but Rey was more concerned about the box Thane had left behind. She looked at the package in shock. It was around the size of her torso, rectangular yet wide.

Who could have possibly sent her a package?

This was an answer that could only, of course, be answered by tearing open the box to discover what the inside held.

Was it even safe?

Cautiously, Rey inspected the outside of the package. There were no stamps, no writing aside from a small piece of masking tape that said simply, "Rey".

Careful not to shake it, she picked up the box. It was light, but not terribly light. She hadn't the foggiest idea of what was inside.

Her hands slowly pulled off the packaging tape, careful not to rip any more of the box than necessary.

And as she finally pulled the flaps up and over, she could see the inside-

A training jumpsuit?

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