}« Eighteen »{

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     “Something’s wrong.” Berisse said the very next morning. She had returned back into the cave from the outside after a night of taking watch with Naysori. “And by wrong, I mean very, very bad.”

Rey opened her eyes and looked over to her friend.

“What is it?” Kendy yawned, and turned over in her sleeping bag. “Did you chip a nail?”

“I’m not joking, Kendy.” Berisse said cooly. “Naysori just vomited everywhere outside.”

Kendy’s face blanched.

“What? What happened?” Rey asked. She turned to look at the other girls, who were in the middle of waking up.

     “I don’t know what’s wrong. Is it possible that she got food poisoning from the meat?” Berisse asked Jude, likely assuming that the smarter girl would know.

     “For the last time, guys. I’m not sick.” Naysori answered before Jude could get a word out of her mouth. She came into the cave with a slightly pale face and wiped her hand across her mouth. “I’m just not used to rabbit meat, that’s all.”

     “You felt sick before you even killed the rabbit.” Jude pointed out. “It might be more than that.”

     Naysori scratched her leg and shook her head. “You guys need to quit worrying. I’m fine, okay? A little vomit means nothing.”

“Either way, you should probably lie low for the day.” Kendy said. “Shira and I can go hunting, right?”

Shira nodded. Unlike the other girls, she was already on her feet and prepared for the day.

“I- I think that’s a good idea.” Naysori admitted. She sat down on her sleeping bag and itched her thigh.

Kendy yawned and opened her eyes again. “Somebody that was awake last night: who was the casualty yesterday?”

“It was a Career. From 4.” Rey answered. “Nobody knows what happened.”

“I bet it was revenge.” Shira speculated. “Those two girls that they cut out from their pack? They probably went and killed her.”

“Why wouldn’t they take out Sty? Do us all a favor.” Kendy muttered. “That bitch is a psychopath.”

     “Yeah, we wish.” Zah said. “But we all know she’s coming out of this Arena. They wouldn't have been able to kill her if they tried. Psychotic, yes. Stupid, unfortunately not.”

     “It was certainly stupid to cut out the Togruta.” Shira countered. “The Twi’lek was helpless, sure, but Sty only let go of the Togruta because she defended her. Sty was more willing to cut out an asset out of pride than to keep her for strategy.”

     “She may not be stupid, but she’s kind of dumb.” Kendy concluded. Her stomach grumbled. “Shira, we should get going. I’m starving.”

The two gathered their weapons and headed out of the cave.

Rey could hear the girl squeal.

Naysori’s eyes widened and she bit her lip sheepishly. “Yeah, I’d try to avoid that bush if I were you!”

Jude stifled a laugh, and instead said, “At least you contained it.”

     “I did my best.” Naysori itched her leg and groaned. “This stupid burn. I can’t wait to get out of this damn Arena so that the doctors can make it disappear.”

“Did the medicine not help?” Rey asked, curious.

     “Oh no, it did.” Naysori said quickly. “I wasn’t saying I didn’t appreciate what your mentors sent. I guess it’s just going to be a pain in the ass to finish healing.”

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