}« Nine »{

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     No, no, no. Rey shook with fury. Not again, not another question that she didn't have the answer to. Especially not now, as she was about to be Ranked!

Entirely questions, never answers-

Why Jude was acting so strange around her.

Why Thane seemed to have no recollection of giving her a unique Games uniform- which she also didn't know how it was unique.

     And now, a vision of Kylo Ren striking down a figure that she felt as though she knew, when all she'd done was touch the lightsaber he had told her to master.

All that and, of course, why she seemed to share a connection with him.

She shook her head. She never wanted to touch that thing again, regardless of what Ben-Kylo- advised. She was perfectly capable with a staff, thank you very much…

“Rey!” A voice called from the side of the Arena, and she turned to see Berisse grinning at her.

Great, a distraction. Just what she needed.

“Hey, Berisse.” Rey could even hear the own relief in her voice. “Ready for Ranking?”

     Berisse shrugged- before taking note of the lightsaber on the floor next to her friend’s foot and gasping. “Where did you find that?” She breathed, eyes jumping from the weapon to her friend.


“Wow, I can’t believe these even exist anymore.” She said, awestruck. Her knees bent over as she reached to pick up the lightsaber-

“Don’t touch that!” Rey demanded, whacking it away with her foot with fear in her eyes. “Don’t… don’t touch that…”

“What? Why?” Her friend asked. “I’m not going to kill myself, Rey. I know how it works.”

She leaned over again, and snatched it before Rey could stop her.

     The young woman flinched, preparing for Berrise to vanish before her eyes. But nothing happened. Her friend simply clutched the lightsaber hilt in her hand, gazing upon it with amazement. “It’s really something,” she commented, turning it over in both hands.

Carefully, she ignited it- and her eyes widened as the blade rose, vivid blue light against the fluorescents of the Training Center.

    “Wow.” She breathed. Berisse swung her head around to make sure she wasn’t going to trip on anything before backing up from Rey and taking a swing with the weapon. It cut through the air with a light hum, and Rey inhaled sharply as it stopped, inches from her own nose.

It remained there for no more than two seconds, but Rey could feel every hair on her body rise.

“I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to disfigure my face, thanks.” She snapped.

Berisse stared at her for a moment before drawing the blade of the lightsaber back into its hilt. “Sorry.” She stated flatly. “I was just excited.”

Rey sighed. “I'm sorry, Berisse. I'm just really stressed.”

“Aren't we all.”

But before she could apologize more, an announcement blared over the speakers-

Attention, Tributes. Please make your way to the lobby. Ranking shall commence in 10 minutes.

     Berisse smiled, and pulled her friend in for a hug. “Good luck- and Rey?” Her face lost its joy, instead turning solemn as Rey turned her neck to listen.

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