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"Why are you even here, oppa?" Chaewon groaned for the second time. She tugged a piece of her hair behind her ear and fixed her spectacles. "Your class starts next week!"

"I just want to make sure you're not meeting a guy," He chimed.

"We're not even in the same class!" she exclaimed and threw her hands up. "It's not as if I could see Taehyung today — this campus is huge!"

"Ahah!" Jun-Seo gasped. "So you were thinking of Taehyung. All I said was a guy. I never specifically stated who."

A victorious smirk was drawn on his face when he saw her cheeks tinted red.

"Just go home," she pushed him. "Go!"

"Okay okay I'm going!" He lifted both arms up in surrender. "Have fun." He tousled her hair and bared his teeth in a wide grin.

Once Jun-Seo left, Chaewon let out a breath of relief.


She spun around and saw the blonde-hair guy running towards her.

"Oh, Jimin." She bowed her head and smiled. "Annyeong."

"Who was that?"

"My step brother," she replied as she threw him a genuine smile. "Anyway, I'll be going to class now. Bye Jimin."

"Wonnie wait!" He grabbed her wrist and released her; seconds later. "I — " He sighed and rubbed the back of his head. "Have lunch with me and my friends later?"

"Oh umm.." Her mind wandered off about what her mother told her last night. Knowing that Taehyung is one of his friend, Chaewon shook her head; apologetically. "I have plans this afternoon. Sorry, Jimin. Maybe some other time," she bent her body ever so low and rushed off.

Once she reached her homeroom, she decided to sit at the very back.

"Oh noona!"

Chaewon looked up to see a so-called familiar boy. "Umm.. h-hi?"

"It's me. Jungkook!" He went to sit next to her and smiled. "What are you doing here? Aren't you in the same class with Taehyung?"

"Ah, really?" She looked down at her formed letter and pursed her lips. "It says here that I have my first period here."

"Wah, we're sitting buddies!" He piped and bared his teeth in a wide grin. "I know you barely remember me but, from now on, we're friends. Alright, noona?"He sternly said.

Chaewon chuckled. "You're so nice, Jungkook. Are you sure we weren't friends before?" She joked.

"Nahh, we weren't that close. Jimin's the one you're close with."


"Yepp. He's your bestfriend and neighbor. Sometimes, he acts like a protective brother." Suddenly, a frown dawned on his face. "But I guess you don't remember any of that.. do you?"

Slowly she shook her head and dropped her shoulders. Hearing this, she suddenly felt bad for turning down Jimin's offer earlier.

"What's wrong?"

"Ah, it's nothing." She gave a gentle smile and shoved her thoughts away. "Hey um, do you have his phone number? my mom got me a new phone so, I don't really have anyone's number except for my family."

"Ah sure. Gimme," Jungkook took her phone and typed down Jimin's number. "Do you want Taehyung's number as well?"

"Uh.."It took her awhile to think it through and make her final decision. "S-Sure."


# S O T D

❝Tell me if my voice isn’t real
If I shouldn’t have thrown myself away
Tell me if even this pain isn’t real
What I was supposed to do back then.❞

— LOVE YOURSELF 轉 Tear 'Singularity'


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