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"B-But how?" Jimin gasped for the fifth time; pacing back and forth in Chaewon's room. "H-How!"

"Stop being dramatic," she sighed and rested her head on her pillow. "It just... happened alright?"

"You can't just gain your memories back after spending ONE date with Taehyung! T-That's..that's.."

"Ridiculous?" Jungkook added.

"Exactly! It's ridiculous!" He threw his arms up and paced even faster.

"Not really. Miracles do happen," the younger chimed and grinned. "You know.. you should really be excited Chaewon got her memories back instead of worrying like that."

Chaewon glanced at Jimin and shifted to Jungkook. "Tell me again why you're not my bestfriend instead of him?" She lightly chuckled.

"Have you went to the hospital for a check up? Oh god tell me you did! What about food? Have you eaten some? You look extremely pale. Well.. when were you not. But hey! If you're feeling cold,I can get you someㅡ"

"Jimin!" Chaewon snapped and huffed. "I'm fine. Really..Jun-Seo already called the doctor and I'll be staying at the hospital for awhile. Everything's fine..it's just that.." She let out a heavy sigh and squeezed her eyes shut as she sat up. "How's Taehyung doing while I was gone?"

"He's fine. Justㅡ"

"Super terrible!" Jimin cut off Jungkook's sentence which earned a glare from the younger. "He's been having paralysis ever since you left; didn't want to study abroad and came back here in Seoul. Let's not forget his habit of asking about your well being which went on for two months and his sassy attitude came back andㅡ"

"Okay I think that's enough," Jungkook said through gritted teeth as he eyed Chaewon who's eyes are now filled with tears.

"So I was the cause of his misery!" She cried loudly and buried her face in her pillow.

"You idiot, look what you did!" Jungkook hissed quietly and went back to caressing Chaewon's hair. "Look at the bright side; he doesn't do all those things anymore as soon as you came back."

She sobbed and hugged her pillow closer to her chest. "This isn't healthy.."


"I said this isn't healthy!" She exclaimed and groaned. "This needs to stop. I shouldn't have come back. I'm just a burdenㅡ"

"Stop it, you're not!"

"I am! I will talk this to my mom and demand a change of place."

"What! No you can't!"

"Jimin, I just got my memories back and you expect me to stay and pretend last year's event didn't happen? I don't even know how to face Taehyung now I know the truth!"

"I expect you to understand him, Chaewon. I never said you should pretend it didn't happen because knock knock, it happened."Jimin's sassy side was growing and Jungkook was silently sitting; quite awkward but was entertained by this drama that's going on. "You can't change the past but that doesn't mean you can't rewrite the future."

"He's right," Jungkook jumped into the conversation.

"Look..can you atleast go on two more dates with him?" He begged. She huffed and furrowed her eyebrows. "I know you feel bad about last year but, you're here now and that's all that matters to Taehyung. What's the point of feeling sorry for him if you're just going to leave him again?"

"I just.. dont want to hurt him anymore..." she sniffed and wiped her watery eyes.

"Well, you're only gonna hurt him more if you leave him for the second time," Jimin scoffed. "You're my bestfriend; Chaewon and I'm really glad you got your memories back. but, Taehyung's my friend too and I'd hate to see him sad again. Go on those dates, tell him the truth and after that.. do whatever you want. If you want to leave, then do it by then. But for now, just be here for him."


# S O T D

❝If in the end you must forget
the good memories,
Don't give me anything,
Leave me.❞



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