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As soon as the two main characters kissed, it earned a lot of AWWs from the viewers. Rom-com was never my forte, especially if it's a foreign movie. Not only do I not know how to speak in english that well but, it annoys me that I have to read the subtitles at the same time focusing on the movie itself.

"I swear to god Alice and Robin are so cute together," Chaewon softly whispered. I glanced at her without her realising. She gently rubbed her eyes as she let out a small sob.

"Wait, are you crying?" I chuckled. "Owh!" I muttered when she elbowed my arm.

The movie ended and people began to leave the cinema. Chaewon had her face buried in her palms, letting out a heavy sigh.

"I can't believe Robin and Alice finally got together after years being apart."

"Awh, Chaewon. Don't cry." Hesitantly, I caressed her hair and slowly scooted closer to give her a side hug. "It's a happy ending, no? You should be happy," I tried to cheer her up.

"Yeah but Alice left Robin a few years ago because she had to study in Denmark and she returned back to America and BAMMM! she got into an accident and got amnesia! and the saddest thing is that she forgot Robin!"

"Chaewonㅡ "

"And then, Robin had to pretend they didn't know each other because he didn't want to remember the painful remembers of them!"

"Chaewon, listenㅡ"

"But in the end, Robin confessed everything and he got together with Alice even if she still didn't regain her memories back!"

The movie sounded so familiar to my current state with her yet, she has no idea. The lights were still dimmed since the movie credits were still playing on the big screen and I couldn't help but laugh silently at how over-reacting Chaewon can be.

I remembered how we had our fifth movie date. It felt as if it was yesterday that Chaewon cried for hours because of watching Love, Rosie in the public library. Just the two of us sitting at the corner; sharing the same earphones as we both watched the movie in my laptop. I grinned at the flashback and shook my head.

"Hey nowㅡ" I grabbed the side of her face and even under the dimmed light, I could see her beautiful eyes  sparkling. "I'm sure Robin must've felt devastated to know the love of his life has forgotten about him. But, atleast at the end he tried his best to make her fall in love with him again." The corner of her lips quirked up a little as she sniffed. "Even if she erased him from her past; she's still in his. So that way, one of them still cherishes the past memories but at the same time make new ones."

"Se Jun wasn't kidding when he said you liked romance movie," she slightly chuckled and pulled away; throwing me a genuine smile.

I laughed and stood up. "Now c'mon, it's almost three. Se Jun might be waiting." I took out my hand and happily, she grabbed it and we both left the cinema.


# S O T D

❝It sounds like my heart screaming
after it lost you.
It sounds like the melody is mocking
my longing for you.❞


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