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"Oh, Chaewon!" Se Jun shouted.

The girl upfront spun around and I could see Chaewon's wide grin. But as soon as her eyes landed on me, her smile slowly faded and was replaced with a confused look.

"W-What are you doing here, Taehyung?"

"Sorry, Chaewon," my brother chuckled and pat my shoulder. "He was really bored being at home alone so, I brought him along."

"Wait." Her mouth gaped. "Are you —"

"Siblings? Yeah," I answered. "Technically step-siblings."

"I hope you're okay with him joining us," sheepishly Se Jun said and rubbed his nape.

Chaewon nervously laughed and scratched the side of her head before taking out two tickets. "I thought it'll only be the two of us so, I only bought two tickets."

"Ooo what movie?"

"I hope you don't mind rom-com movie. I'm not much of an action fan."


I watched as both of them high-fived each other. I chewed my inner cheeks and pursed my lips; bearing my jealousy from taking over. I coughed to which it caught their attention.

"Oh right," I heard her muttered. "Um, Taehyung. Do you mind buying another ticket for yourself? Apparently this movie we're about to watch is sort of full."

I stared at Se Jun, pulling out a sad face. "Fine," I grumbled but just as I was about to walk off, Se Jun grabbed my shoulder.

"Um, you know what? I don't think I want to watch some sappy romance comedy movie right now. I sort of want to watch a horror movie," he chuckled nervously.


"But Taehyung here — ," he pulled me closer. " — is a big fan of rom-com movies." I gave him a skeptical look but soon understood what he was doing. "Why don't you just watch the movie with him. We'll meet up here at three, sharp. Sounds okay?"

"You sure you want to watch a horror movie alone?"

"I'm a big boy," Se Jun gently patted her head. A part of me was honestly burning in jealousy but I knew that Se Jun just missed her. "Taehyung's a great company. Trust me."

"Are you okay with that?" Chaewon asked me.

"Yeah." I looked up at Se Jun and threw him a thank-you look before we bid our goodbyes and went our separate ways.


# S O T D

❝I miss you so much
Now I finally feel our space
I miss you so much
Tears are falling like this
But why didn’t I know?❞


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