s e v e n t e e n

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After taking care of Chaewon's fever, her temperature still, wasn't dropping. So, he sent her home before her parents didㅡ however, he did get a beating from Jun-Seo.

"Just let me in!" Taehyung whined and tried to get pass Jun-Seo but, failed miserably. "Awh c'mon!"

"Get lost, kid." Chaewon's brother pushed him out; causing him to stumble back and leaned against his two friends.

"Hey, why don't you just go home hmm?" Jimin suggested. "We'll report you how she's doing, okay pal?"

"Yeah. I mean, you did get her sick in the first place." Jungkook nervously rubbed his nape; looking away to avoid Taehyung's deadly glares.

"Taehyungㅡ dude." Jimin grabbed his shoulders firmly and put on a straight expression. "You haven't slept since last night; busy worrying about Chaewon instead. Justㅡ get something to eat, get some rest and I'm sure as hell you can still call her if you can't see her."

Taehyung sighed and gave into his friend's suggestion.

"Tell her I said sorry," he muttered before walking off.

"Alright." Both Jungkook and Jimin snapped their heads at Jun-Seo. "I don't usually let boys whom I've never met, into the house. But.. Since you both are Chaewon's friends, I'll let you in."

They both nodded; understandably.

"BUT!" He snapped. "Try something funny and I won't hesitate to break your necks. Got that?"

"Y-Yes sir!" They said in unison.

"Good." Jun-Seo smiled charismatically. "Her room's upstairsㅡ the one with a huge unicorn sticker on the door."

typical Chaewon.

Both the boys quickly ran upstairs and even tripped along the way.

"Chaewon!" Jimin bursted into her room with Jungkook by his side. He placed the fruit basket he bought for her and went to feel her temperature. "My poor Wonnie~ What did Taehyung do to you?" he fake cried as he caressed her cheek lightly.

"It's not Taehyung's fault, Jimin-ah." She forced out a smile.

"I swear to god your step-brother is scary as hell," he shivered just thinking about him. "I still can't believe your mother re-married without inviting me," he muttered. "I mean hello? I was your bestfriend!"

"It was a small wedding, Jimin."She chuckled softly. "Plus, I doubt you would fly to America just to attend a wedding."

"Uh, yes I would!"

"Heh.. Sorry." Chaewon glanced at Jungkook and smiled. "Thanks for coming, you guys."

"It was no biggy, noona." He grinned. "Sorry that the rest of the gang couldn't come. Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok hyung had some business to go down to. While Seokjin hyung had class. Taehyung did come with us but, your brother didn't allow him to come in. So, he left."

"Actually.. I didn't want Taehyung to come either," she muttered.

"What? Why?"

"Because Mochi,ㅡ " Jimin widened his eyes at that nickname Chaewon used to give him.


"I got my memories back."


# S O T D

❝The way to love me isn’t hard
Just hold me tight like you are now
We don’t know
what will happen to us later
But I like that nothing’s decided.❞


a/n; uGh I feel like deleting this bOok

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