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"Chaewon!" I sprinted as soon as I saw her entered the cafeteria along side Jungkook. "Are you feeling much better? Are you still sick? Have you eaten?"

"I'm fine, Taehyung. I took three days off."

"Don't scare me like that again!"

It didn't occur to me that I had hugged her unconsciously; my arms wrapped around her small waist as I pulled her closer. I pictured that Chaewon would've pushed me away but instead, I found her arms firmly around my neck with her face resting onto my chest.

It took awhile until we both part away and fell into a dead silent.

"I'm sorry for worrying you," she frowned and lowered her gaze. She was twiddling with her fingers which was a habit that Chaewon used to do when she gets nervous. "I didn't know what came over me that night and- "

"It's not your fault... It never was.."

"Jungkook.." she murmured to which he replied with a nod and went to the lunch table with the others. She looked up at me and bared a half smile; looking pale and I could sense that by her facial expression that she's not excited to talk to me at all.

"What's wrong?"

"Can we talk.. outside? Please?"

I didn't hesitate to agree and we both went out of the building and out to the garden. The sky was gloomy and looked like it was about to rain but still stayed out to no avail.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Taehyung I... I.. " Her eyes that were perfectly fine earlier were now teary and was ready to burst in tears anytime. "..I got my memories back!" She exclaimed as she squeezed her eyes shut; her arms clutching her stomach and broke down on the ground. The tears that streamed down her cheeks were enough evidence that it wasn't easy for her to break the news to me.

Soon enough the rain started to pour and people were scattering around to find shelter but we stayed unbothered. Although, it hit me that Chaewon just got better from her illness and I didn't want her to catch another cold. So, I took off my coat and threw in on both our heads as I went down on one knee.

"Lee Chaewon." She lifted her chin; allowing me to see her now red puffy eyes. I chuckled and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead as I stroke her wet cheeks lightly. "Baby.. I already knew."

# S O T D

❝I have to tell you, I want to tell you
But I can't go to you
I want to lean on you, I want to know you
But I'm not confident yet.❞


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