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'Certificate of merit to acknowledge that Tyler Candice Gutierrez has graduated Clifford High School'

"Dude, I still can't believe your middle name is Candice," said Pierce, laughing his fucking ass off. Yeah, I'm a guy, and my middle name is Candice, so what? I love the name. My parents had lost my older sister a few weeks before I was born, and they just wanted to honour her by giving me her name. It's sweet in my opinion.

"Yeah, whatever," I said with a roll of my eyes.

I was with a group of my closest friends, Amy, Pierce and Tris at my house, still in our graduation gowns, just savouring the last taste of High School.

Amy is of medium height, she's skinny with long, brown hair and dark brown eyes. She had the highest voice ever, and she is the tomboy-est girl I've ever met. She once said that skirts are an abomination, and that they should have never been invented.

Pierce is a six foot jock, used to play in our school's soccer team, and is probably the hottest boy I've ever laid my eyes on. He has a muscular build, and has a low, commanding voice that all girls fawn over. He has black hair and has hazel eyes with hints of brown and blue in the centre.

Then there's Tris, he's a very special boy. He's the smart one in the group. He's awesome to hang around once you get to know him. He has chocolate brown eyes, blond hair, pink lips, freckles all over his face and is a bit skinny, with a little muscle. He's hot, but no my type.

And there's me, Tyler. I have black hair, light brown eyes, and I have a fairly muscular build. I have a crooked jaw that girls apparently love, and have a smile to die for.

"I'm gonna miss it," said Amy in a hushed tone, looking down at her certificate.

"Miss what?" asked Tris.

"Everything about High School. Remember when we wanted to finish our project for Chemistry, and decided to work in the janitor's closet? And we found Miss Morton from English and Aiden, from the football team having sex? And they gave us cash to keep us quiet?"

Everyone burst into laughter. That day was awful, I saw live, straight people sex. Just, straight people sex disgusts me. Like, a vagina looks like a grapefruit cut in half and left in the Sun for 10 weeks. And it probably smells like tuna...no offence to girls, but, come on, it's like unrefrigerated meat down there.

"Or...or when we all got detention for pretending like we were gonna jump off the top of the school?" said Tris, breaking into a fit of laughter.

"Yeah, my mom almost threw her heels at me that day," said Pierce, just adding fuel to the fire of laughter we're engulfed in.

"What Universities are you guys gonna go to?" I asked, changing the subject to something a little more serious.

"Imma go to the Clifford University of Performing Arts to study dance," Amy said. She always had a talent for dance, whether it was hip-hop, ballet, contemporary dance...you name it. Her body moved flawlessly when music played.

"I'm going to Pascal's University to study Civil Engineering. 300 kilometers away...away from everything here," said Tris. He always did good in Math and Physics, so of course he would want to become an engineer.

"I'm going to Rayden Soccer Academy. I wanna have a career in sport. Maybe I'll play for the huge Football clubs like Real Madrid or something like Manchester United," said Pierce. Yeah, well, he's always had a passion for sport, doesn't surprise me.

"Umm...I'm going to study in South Africa, at Rhodes University. I don't know what I'm gonna study, I'll just figure it out," I'm the messy person in the group. I don't have any of my shit together, and it's frustrating as fuck! Nothing in my life is as organised as people believe.

Everyone just kept quiet. I'm studying in South Africa, thousands of kilometers away, while Tris is going to Rayden, like, on the east coast, and Amy's going away too. It's terrible. Everyone's just leaving. We would only get together for special occasions. It sucks. Like, it sucks dick.

None of us die virgins, cause life fucks us all.

"Guys, we have to do something, one last thing together as a group before we all leave each other. I mean, it would be an awesome sendoff, and we would have one last epic adventure where we, hopefully, will get into some mother freaking trouble!! So whose with me!!?" Amy always had the spirit of a...I don't know, a confident person...I guess.

"Yeah!!" We all said in unison, already pumped up, ready to have just one last adventure.

"Winter is coming!!" She continued.

"Yeah!!" We threw up our hands, getting up from the couches we were sitting on, as if someone just scored a goal in some soccer game we were watching.

"I'm gonna fuck so many girls!!" Pierce said, jumping up, and making things awkward when everyone just kept quiet, and sat down.

"Maybe, we could go to Hawaii," suggested Amy.

"Nah, too many volcanoes," I heard Tris say. He's afraid of everything. That's the downside of being so smart. You know about so many things and how dangerous they are.

They kept throwing ideas around, while I sat, thinking about where we would go.

We would have to spend as much time as possible together, and we would have to go away for as long as possible. We had to bond like no one's bonded before, and we have to be close.

"Guys, I have an idea," I said, raising my hand so all attention would be directed to me.

I took a deep breath, and was starting to second guess myself. Maybe this isn't the best idea. What if it's not good enough and everyone rejects it? I snap out of my thoughts, and see everyone looking at me.

"Let's go on a road trip," I said finally.

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