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Tyler’s POV

“Cool, so I have a category 4 hurricane named after me,” said Amy sarcastically.

We were in the lobby of the hotel, waiting to get cleared for checkout. The TV was on, and it had said that a category 4 hurricane was headed straight for New York City, and didn’t show any signs of weakening.

We waited until it was bright enough outside to start getting out of the city. The news people had advised us to get to safety as soon as possible before the roads had to close.

The wind outside was intense, with flying debris everywhere and the rain had no mercy on the city, with mild to severe flooding in some areas, and the crazy thing was this wasn’t even the worst of it. It was set to get much worse, with the waves flooding land and wind picking up to a point where the roofs are ripped off their buildings and lifted and thrown around like pieces of paper.

The news showed the destruction that was already happening, and estimates say that already half the city was gone, with a large portion refusing to leave.

We also needed food and water, but the markets were cleaned out, all in one day. The hotel had food and water, so we bought that. It cost us a fortune, and we wouldn’t be able to carry on with the trip anymore.

Honestly, it was a miracle we even got funding in the first place. My parents were very sceptical of this trip from the beginning, and were against me going. I should’ve listened.

We were all sitting on some couches, with our suitcases already parked in the car, and being tense.

Tris was overthinking things, like he always does, Amy was panicky, and Pierce was calm.


“HEY!” I shouted, having had enough with this. Everyone looked at me, and listened attentively to what I had to say, “Tris, stop overthinking, you’re making us all nervous with your quietness,” Tris made a face, “Amy, calm the fuck down, I get that you’re scared, but you’re gonna barf,” Amy froze, and looked at me with one of her crazy looks, “And you,” I pointed at Pierce angrily, “You need to panic a little more. This…what you’re doing, is not normal.”

I took a deep breath in, then out.

“Everyone stared at me as I fell back onto the couch that we shared. They obviously didn’t expect that outburst from me, because I’m usually the quiet, emotionless one who never says or does anything radical.

Maybe I’m just feeling a little bit more confident, or maybe I just feel…angry.

I’m angry at Tris for taking Pierce away from me, and I’m angry at Pierce for letting Tris act on him…or the other way around. Either way, I’m angry, and I’m frustrated. I usually don’t let emotions like these get the best of me, and the fact that I’m letting them says a lot about me at the moment.

“Dude, what’s up?” asked Pierce, clearly worried. I wanted to scream it. To shout ‘I LIKE YOU’ in front of everyone. But I’m better than that, and I have self-control.

I looked at Pierce, and said, “I’m just afraid of this storm. It makes me nervous.” Then I stood up, and walked to the bathroom.

I went in, and stood by the sink, staring at myself in the mirror over it. I stared at myself for so long that I could even see how tired I was. I hadn’t slept last night because of what I saw in that car.

I heard the door open, and it pulled me out of my own thoughts. “Okay, I know it’s not this weather that’s bothering you,” said Pierce, who came to stand next to me.

The white light of the bathroom, unlike most people, made him look even better than he normally was. I looked straight in his eyes, and said, “Yeah, this weather doesn’t really scare me.”

“Okay, tell me what’s up then,” he said.

I didn’t know if I wanted to tell him exactly what made me act up. “Um…I have something to tell you, but I’m scared,” I said truthfully, looking down as I was playing with my fingers.

“I know what you want to tell me, I’m not an idiot,” he said. I looked up at him, and he looked at me like I would know how to react to him telling me this.


“Okay listen to me, don’t talk. I’ve known for a very long time that you like me. You don’t do a very good job at hiding it. I know how you feel about your emotions, you don’t particularly like them, but you know you have to get more confidence. Remember that day we kissed? I liked it…a lot. Then I started liking you. If you like someone, you should just come out and say it, because life is short, and you’re gonna regret not doing a bunch of shit. Now, say what you want to say to me.”

“Um...yeah...I like you. But not in the typical way. You make me feel different. The first time we kissed, I could almost feel fireworks in my stomach, and honestly, I loved it. That moment is something I will never forget. You’re such an awesome person. I like how you look, obviously, but I also like your smile, the way you smell, the way you think, your voice, how smart you are, your passion, and of course, your kissing. I just…could compare you to a warm summer day. That was a Shakespeare reference by the way. SEE, that’s how much I like you, I quote Shakespeare for you, and I hate Shakespeare,” I said, finally finished. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and opened them again.

Pierce was smiling, blushing actually…

“Okay, what do you want to do about these feelings that you have for me? What do you hope to achieve?” he asked, playing dumb.

I almost narrowed my eyes at him, then I remembered that I was trying to make him like me, so I said, “I want to date you.”

He looked at me, faking surprise, and giggled a little bit.

“That sounds nice,” he said finally after some time of giggling.

I widened my eyes in surprise, and internally screamed. I actually couldn’t believe that this was happening. 

“Um…can I kiss you?”

“Sure,” he said, giving me a smile. I stepped a little bit closer to him, and put my arms around his neck, and he put his around my waist.

We got our faces closer, and closer. I could feel his breath, and as we got closer, I saw him closer his eyes, and then he closer his.

Our lips met.

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