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Amy’s POV

How Pierce and I became friends is a little bit complicated. It all started three years ago…

You’d think that being the lead cheerleader, the soccer team would respect you more.

Our cheerleading team was the best in the state, but that’s not what they think. We were moved from the football team to the soccer team because the football season had ended, and for some reason, the soccer team needed cheerleaders.

A bunch of bullshit if you ask me. Pierce was the worst. He constantly whistled at us mockingly and it demeaned us. He would come up to us and insult us directly.

He even came up with a rating system used to rate the cheerleaders from a scale of 1-100. I got -10.

We were commanded to do this by the school principal (who, by the way, is a total douche) so we had not say in the matter.

Anytime the boys had to practice, we had to practice as well. We weren’t one of those cheerleading teams that did awesome flips and all that stuff. We just sang and danced. When I said we were the best is the state, I may have been overreacting just a little bit.

Our dances were awesome though, and lots of people admired that. I usually had to pick the songs, and I couldn’t be subjective, I had to pick the best songs for dances, cause if it were completely up to me with no intervention, I would choose songs by the Weeknd and Ella Mai.

As we were practicing on one side of the field away from the boys, I heard the girls suddenly scream. I didn’t know what they were screaming at, so I looked back, since I had my back towards the boys, and ducked, avoiding the ball that almost hit me. As I got up, I saw the boys laughing and pointing at us.

That was the last straw.

“What the hell was that?!” I asked furiously as I was walking towards Pierce, who clearly kicked the ball that almost hit me.

“Um…a ball. Is it me or is she just super blond?” said Pierce sarcastically, which caused the group of boys to explode into laughter.

“My negative ten ass will beat your pretty boy ass up!” I retorted, looking up at him and poking his chest, hoping to intimidate him.

“So you admit it then, I’m pretty.” I kneed his nuts.

A chorus of ‘ohs’ reverberated and Pierce grabbed his crown jewels, and fell to the floor. I hastily, with confidence, walked away from them to continue my practice with my cheerleading team.

“That was cool,” said Tyler. He was my friend, but not that good of a friend. He’s only on the cheerleading team because the school requires each student to have at least on extramural activity throughout the year, and he said that he way too ‘gay’ for soccer.

“I know, I’m awesome right?” I said, before we continued rehearsing hour steps.


As I was walking through the halls of the school, I heard someone call my name…Pierce.

“Wait up!” he shouted, then I stopped.

“What the hell do you want Pierce?” I said, not even turning to look at him. He walked around me, and I looked him in the face, unimpressed with the scenery in front of me.

“I wanna ask you something,” he said.

“Go ask a girl who isn’t rated negative ten on your stupid scale,” I said as I started walking away from him. He ran up in front of me again, and I gave in and stopped, crossing my arms, signalling him to start talking.

“I would like to take you to a movie. Would you allow me to?” he said, surprising me.

I raised my eyebrows. And looked at him. He was serious.

“So, let me get this straight, you rate me negative ten, which I cannot get over because…NEGATIVE GOSH DARN TEN, and you almost hit me with a soccer ball AND insult me and my team constantly, and now you want me to go on a date with you?”

“Um…yes,” he said, smiling awkwardly, “And I think you used too many ‘ands’ in your sentence. If you were marked by Miss Morton, she would slap you in the face.”

What a treasure I have here.

“Fine, I’ll go on a date with you,” I said, finally caving in. I mean, Pierce is hot, and I do have sort of a thing for guys with eyes like his. That hazel with hints of blue and brown in the centre.

I quickly walked away from him after giving him my number so that we could arrange this date, and walked to Tyler’s locker.

“TYLER CANDICE GUTIERREZ,” I shouted. He closed his locker after putting his books in, and looked at me, unimpressed with the fact that I just used his full name.

“Pierce just asked me out,” I said, and his eyebrows raised.
“That was exactly my reaction!”

“Okay, he is hot, but he’s a douche. Why are you going out with him?” he asked, probably concerned.

“Um…because he’s hot, and maybe we can you know…kiss. I’ve never kissed anyone before!” I shouted.

“Okay, you need to calm the heck down if you don’t want the whole world knowing that you’ve never kissed a boy before. Now, we need a plan,” he said.


“It’s simple. Just text me if anything goes wrong, and if it turns out that he’s pranking you or something, then I’ll be a phone call away. AND I’ll be there at the movies in some very dark corner spying on you guys,” he said. I nodded. It was a good plan.

“Okay, you need to go worry about what you’re gonna wear,” he said, before shooing me away.

Me and Tyler had a developing friendship, and I think it’s gonna blossom into something awesome. I also think that he likes Pierce. Whatever. I won’t be completely sure unless I ask him.

Sometime passed, and we dated for like…two weeks, then broke up because the relationship was super boring. He thinks he broke up with me, but I broke up with him.

We didn’t really do anything romantically after that, but me and him wanted to be friends, so we became friends.

By that time, me and Tyler became best friends (I know, that wasn’t a long time to become best friends with someone, but Tyler is amazing). I had invited Tyler to sit with me and Pierce at lunch, and something clicked.

We became a fabulous trio, as Tyler would say. We got passed the whole failed relationship, and moved on to a healthy friendship with each other.

More time passed, and Pierce introduced us to Tris.
We welcomed him with open arms.

He was that kid who had some of the best grades in school, although he hated Physics, and got pretty lows grades for it.

He was cute. I liked him as soon as I laid eyes on him. He’s blond, I’m blond. WE HAVE SO MUCH IN COMMON. But you know, maybe it’s just a little crush.

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