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Tyler’s POV

I didn’t know what was going on anymore. Pierce and I had a conversation about what we felt for each other a few hours ago, and now, the tension in the car grew.

Pierce kissed Tris, who we all swore was straight. Then, Amy starts being all moody after what happened in the car after the concert. I swear, it’s like she likes either Pierce or Tris…but Pierce and Amy used to date, so I don’t think she likes him anymore. Well, I don’t think she ever did like Pierce in that way. And then here I am, just complicating things even more by confessing my love to Pierce and then kissing him.

As if life couldn’t get any worse.

We were driving in silence. Nobody had said a word. I sat in the passenger seat, as usual, and Amy drove, because she’s the best driver. Then Pierce and Tris were sitting in the back seats. Pierce sat by the window on the left, and Tris by the window on the right. Things were really awkward between the two of them, and it showed.

Amy didn’t have any questions for him, and neither did I. Pierce and Tris had their own shit to work out, and it didn’t have to involve me or Amy.
When it comes down to it, this mess started all because of Pierce. He was probably the one who went down on Tris, and continued to kiss him even when Amy and I got into the car. Maybe he was coming out to Amy, or maybe he was just being a douche. Then he had to further complicate things by chasing after me.

I was honestly fine with the fact that Pierce and Tris kissed…well, that’s a lie, but I had come to terms with it. I didn’t want to be an unnecessary complication.

It’s safe to say that everyone in the car was very much riled up. One little hick, and the storms brewing inside of all of us could go off.

“Guys, we have to do something about this,” said Tris, making us pay attention to him. Of course Amy couldn’t look at him because she was driving.

“Do something about what? We’re all fine,” said Pierce, still looking out the window, into the stormy abyss, like he was for the last few hours.

“Okay, it’s kinda safe to say that what happened in this car between Pierce and Tris affected us all. Things between the former heterosexuals Tris and Pierce are super awkward and weird, Tyler is being bipolar, and I’m very moody, so why don’t we just say what’s on our minds?” said Amy bluntly.
“Okay, I guess I’ll go first,” said Tris nervously. He took a deep breath, and turned to look at Pierce, “I like you Pierce. You’re the only guy I’ve ever liked. I swear, I think about girls the way I think about you, but if I’m being honest, I’m super confused. I don’t know what to identify as, and now I feel like abandoning labels altogether. When we were alone in here, we kissed, and I don’t know what that makes you.”

Pierce was still looking out the window, and just growled in response. Ouch.

“Okay, I guess I’m next then,” said Amy. “I like Tris, and now I hate Tris because he kissed Pierce, a guy that I would not ever be romantically involved with again. That kiss you guys shared showed me that you don’t have the same feelings for me Tris. That kinda made me sad, but angry, but disappointed.”

I took a deep breath, and said, “Well, since we’re confessing, I like Pierce too. I guess this whole thing just revolves around him. “

We were all silent for a minute, and then I saw Pierce moved, and look away from the window. He opened his mouth to speak, “I messed up. I know that, and I guess I have to tell the truth. I’m bisexual. Tyler already knows. We kissed twice, and I like him. Tris, you’re cute and everything, but, I only kissed you because you were confused. You’re still confused, and I’m sorry that I did that to you. I was honestly being a douche. I hope you’ll forgive me. And Amy, I hope you and Tris can start some kind of relationship. Please don’t let me get in between you guys, it would be unfair of me. I’m sorry.”

I felt butterflies when he confessed that he liked me in front of Amy and Tris, but I felt bad for Tris, because he got let down so painfully.

“I don’t want it,” said Amy, “I don’t want to be with him, he’s an asshole.”

I opened my mouth in shock, and widened my eyes. The same expression was on Tris’s face. Pierce had gone back to looking out the window.

“What? I know I kissed Pierce and all, but I would like to explore the idea of being in a relationship with you,” he said.

Amy scoffed, and said, “I liked you, but if you don’t feel the same way there is no need to ‘explore’ a relationship with me. It’s okay though. I’ll be fine, but as soon as we get to Rayden, we should just take a break from each other. We are clearly being toxic, and it is not helping anyone. It honestly pisses me off. This situation that Pierce and Tris put all of us in. And Pierce just had to play with people’s emotions, but what did I expect, I dated him for like a week or two.”

“Fuck you Amy. I know I messed up, but that doesn’t mean that you get to rebuke the symbolistic demons that you think you see in me. I don’t like this situation either, but I’m just trying to make things right. I don’t like Tris. Maybe I used to when we first met, but not anymore. I like Tyler, and it’s up to you on what to do with the information I gave you.

“Honestly, you’re such a fuck up. You piss me off, and the shit you do is not right! Maybe us being friends was a mistake. This was destined to happen, and you blinded me with your goody-two-shoes act,” shouted Amy, tightening her grip on the wheel. After that, we continued to drive.

A few hours later, the storm started to subside, and we were a bit relieved. I could see by the look on everyone’s faces that they couldn’t wait for Rayden to come so we could finally get away from each other.

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