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Tyler’s POV

“love we found, love we lost
This one is one I have a grasp of
But don’t feel like I want
Because I had love and love I had lost

“love can free you
Love can keep you hostage
Love can remove all your bondage
But still bind you with pain

“love we want, love we need
What love means we don’t know
What love brings we know
But there is a whole lot more

“love… my love for you
The one I never show
The one you need to know about
But don’t want to look for…”

Pierce looked up from the wrinkled piece of paper he was reading from just now. It was silent, and neither of us said a thing for what felt like an eternity.

“It’s beautiful, Pierce,” I finally said. It really was a beautiful poem. He had written it after we had gotten back from our failed road trip. He said that his mom made some notes and made it less…explicit.

He said that he felt very distant and felt that he made a lot of mistakes during the trip, and should be held accountable for his actions. He didn’t ask for pity, but rather, he asked for forgiveness.  I found it admirable how he could admit that he was wrong, and it made me fall for him even more.

“Thank you. A song by Bebe Rexha inspired me. Shining Star. That song is my heart and soul,” he said, standing up from his spot on the couch we were sitting on.

Pierce’s house is quite nice. It was white all over, and everything was where it was supposed to be. The wooden floors added some elegance, while the open floor plan made it feel much more spacious. There were also wooden stairs that led up to other rooms on the second level of the house.

“I’ve never heard the song before. Maybe you could sing it to me,” I asked. As I was asking the question, Pierce started laughing, mocking my request. He then proceeded to walk to the kitchen to get a glass of water. He got a glass out of the cupboard, and placed it underneath the faucet, letting it pour water in at an appropriate pace.

“You know I don’t sing. If I sang, Satan himself would come out of the ground and stick his big fork thing into my throat,” he said, making me laugh. Pierce has a very nice sense of humour that most people do not see. It made me mad how people only saw his imperfections, and couldn’t look past him to see the goodness in him.

Yes, I know, I used to be one of those people that only saw him for his imperfection (only for a short while during and after the trip) but before and after that, it was all good.

“Please, it would really mean a lot to me,” I said, tilting my head to the side, trying to be extra cute. Honestly, I didn’t really care about the song (surprisingly, I’m not the biggest Bebe Rexha fan) but more for Pierce’s voice. I’ve never heard him sing, and since we got together, it has been my goal to hear him sing me a love song or something.

Pierce looked at me, unimpressed. He then started to chug away at his water, finishing it in a small period of time. As soon as he finished, he let out a long sigh.

“Fine, but I’m only doing this because you look so cute,” he said, giving into my superiority.

I changed positions on the couch so that I would be on my stomach, with my legs in the air, and my chin resting on my hands, supported by my elbows. I waited for him to start singing, but he looked nervous. He ran his hand through his messy hair, and cleared his throat.

“Promise you won’t laugh?” he asked seriously, waiting for my response. I smiled at him, and promised him that I wouldn’t laugh. That didn’t necessarily mean I couldn’t smile or make faces or make very silent comments that he may or may not hear.

He started humming the beginning of the song angelically, and I was almost mesmerized by his voice (and he hadn’t even opened his mouth yet).

“She was a bad girl
He was good boy
She played with fire
While he played inside the ring
She gets so selfish and he was selfless
He played by books
She never liked to play it safe
But he fell in love
With her fucked up ways
With her drunken days
Yeah he still stayed
Yeah he fell in love
With her twisted dreams
And all in between
And he’d still sing”

By this time, his volume had risen considerably, and his pitch control was remarkable. He didn’t even look like he was trying to sing. It looked so effortless, and so flawless.

“Baby you’re a Shining Star
I like you just like you are
Baby you’re a Shining Star
I like you just like you are
You know you’ll always be my baby don’t cry
You know your crazy doesn’t faze me, no lie”


“Cause baby you’re a Shining Star
I like you just like you are.”

I was absolutely speechless, and my heart was pounding because of the words he just sang, and how beautifully he sang them.

“Babe, that was absolutely beautiful. What the actual fuck, you can sing!” I felt like I was overreacting, but to be fair, he is my boyfriend, and boyfriends are supposed to support each other and whatever.

“You should start a TikTok, you know, one of those ones where you just sing and be a thirst trap,” I said, thinking it was a great idea until it came out of my mouth.

“Babe, I’m your thirst trap…shit that did not sound okay at all,” he said before we both started laughing.

He walked closer to me, and as soon as he got right in front of me, he wrapped his arms around my waist. I looked up at him, and wrapped my arms around his neck.

He was only inches away from me. I could feel his warm breath on my skin, and I was dying to have our lips meet. He leaned in closer, and gave me a kiss on the lips, which I returned. It wasn’t anything too much. It was like one of those kisses where you think you’ll still have more.

I can’t help feeling that this relationship is going to fall apart very soon.

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