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Pierce’s POV

“Are you sure that you are okay?” he asked for the hundredth time.

“Tris, please stop worrying. I’m fine. I’m good.”

Tris had arrived a few minutes ago. I was in the waiting room on the second storey of the hospital. Apparently, Tyler texted Tris and Amy to be here. Amy texted me, saying that she couldn’t make it, but she did send a very lengthy text, explaining that she was here for me whenever I needed her.

My mom had been on the side that got hit. I was lucky, and only escaped with some scratches. I regret not telling her to put on her seatbelt. We were coming back from Walmart. We were doing some grocery shopping to restock the fridge. She was also planning on making a special meal for our extended family’s visit.

She said that we would tell everyone about my sexuality at dinner tonight, but she wanted to make sure that dinner was absolutely delicious. She bought things that I didn’t know the names of, and promised me that the meal would be the best I had ever had.

After the crash, my mom was put into an ambulance by two paramedics, and I rode with them. I took my phone out and called my grandmother, telling her what had just happened. I told her to stay where she was, and not worry about us at all. Part of me wanted my family here, but then more would be added to my shoulders because I would be thinking about telling them about my bisexuality.

On the other hand, Tyler broke up with me, so now if my mom dies, I’m pretty sure I’m gonna kill myself. Living with that kind of pain did not suit me. Although, her dying would mean that she could finally let go, and be peaceful. She could be happy in whatever afterlife the universe has planned for her. If heaven does exist, I hope she goes. Hell is not for people like my mom, it’s for homophobic bigots like those guys that bullied Tyler.

As Tris and I sat in that waiting room, a pair of doctors in dark blue surgical gowns and personalised scrub caps walked towards the waiting room. Everybody lifted their head, and one of them yelled, “Mr Carter?”

I immediately stood up, and Tris followed me. I stood in front of them, waiting for them to give me a report about how my mother was.
“We just got out of surgery, and your mom is fine,” as soon as she said then, my shoulder muscles relaxed, and I let out a very long sigh.

One of the surgeons is a woman, quite short. She had a strong jawline, blond hair, blue eyes and a slender frame. The other one, the taller one, was a man with red hair. He had a tough expression on his face, and was muscular. He had his arms crossed, emphasising his masculinity.

“So my name is Kathy, and I am the general surgeon, and this is George, our neuro surgeon. When we were operating on your mom, she had some lacerations on her liver that I was able to repair, but one of her kidneys had to be resected due to extensive damage,” she said, trying to explain what had happened.

George started to speak, “She did injure her spine quite severely, and I had to repair it. She also has some bleeding in her brain that I had to drain in order to relieve some pressure. Everything checks out for now. Her EEG is surprisingly good, with evidence of higher brain activity, and her EKG shows no abnormalities.” He had quite a deep and masculine voice. It was a very attractive trait that he had, and I took pleasure in hearing him speak. Yes, Tyler and I broke up, and it would take me a while to get over it, given that we had formed such a strong bond in the little time that we were together. He was my shining star, but now, I have to be my own shining star.

Kathy started to speak up again, “Our orthopaedic surgeon also repaired some fractured ribs. We expect that your mom should be awake within three hours. She will need to stay here for at least two weeks, but other than that, she’s going to be okay. We will come back to let you see her, but as of now, we have other surgeries to attend to,” she said as they turned around and walked away.

I looked over to Tris, who had a stupid smile on his face, and my smile came out to. I hugged him tight, and didn’t let go for quite a while.

“Follow me,” I said, letting go of him, and walking in the direction of one of the janitor’s closets.
I already knew about Tris and Amy getting back together, but I needed this. Tyler wasn’t around to love me, so I had to get someone else to love, and it just so happens to be Tris.

If he didn’t follow me, I would take it as he didn’t want to do what I had in mind, but if he did follow me, then he wanted it as much as I did.

I got to the door, and stepped inside, making sure to close the door behind me. I was waiting, and it almost seemed like he wasn’t going to come, until the door opened, and he stepped inside.

He discreetly locked the door, and stepped toward me. I wrapped my arms around his waist, and he wrapped his around my neck. I leaned down, and kissed him passionately. His lips felt just as soft as when I kissed him in New York. That felt like lifetimes ago. I kissed him, and deepened it, letting my tongue slip into his mouth.

We were wrestling for dominance, but I obviously got it. We pulled away from each other, and I took my shirt off, and we continued the kiss.

He moved his hand up against my stomach as we kissed, and it felt as if my body was being set on fire. I pulled him closer to me, and he let out an involuntary moan.

We continued to kiss, and Tris started to work on my pants, unbuttoning them. He pulled away from me, and got on his knees.

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