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Tylers's POV

Ariana Grande. Yes, you heard me…or read me.

We had bought tickets to go to see Ariana Grande in Brooklyn at the Barclays Center. Traffic delayed us for a bit, but we did make it. Her tour to Brooklyn was actually previously scheduled to be on the twelfth of November, later this year, but she moved it up to June, to join her first leg of her world tour.

Amy was the only one in the group who didn’t like Ariana Grande, but we couldn’t let her stay behind. We bought her a ticket and dragged her to the concert.

I wasn’t sure about the setlist because she decided to surprise all the shows from Brooklyn with a new setlist.

We were seated in the pit area. The setup of the stage was extravagant. A large, semi-circular platform enclosing the pit area, with light up floors, gave the stage character. A large semi-spherical shape was put in the middle of the backdrop, as well as above the pit area.

The whole thing was surreal. I never thought I would be able to see Ariana Grande in person.
Unfortunately, we did not have meet and greet tickets because, for some reason, they have to be hella expensive. I really don’t understand how people can just afford to go to an Ariana Grande concert.

Suddenly, the lights went dark, and a round of deafening applause and screams started. I could hear Ariana saying something, but couldn’t really make it out. Then, I heard her say, “Welcome to the Sweetener World Tour.”

That’s when everyone (excluding Amy) went crazy. Pierce and Tris joined me in cheering for her as loud as possible. The lights came on only on the stage, and Ariana’s male backup dancers came out, dressed in all black outfits that hugged their bodies, complimenting their figures. They struck a pose.
Then music came on, but I didn’t recognise it. Then Ariana came out, seeming to be walking up some stairs. She was dressed in all black as well. This night, she wore her signature high ponytail (straightened), a black sweater, black knee high boots, and a short black skirt.

As they posed, the music became louder, then I realised that the song playing was Touch It. I screamed at the top of my lungs, and the rest of the concert went by without any disruptions.

As soon as the concert was over, we went back to the car, and started driving back to New York City. We had driven about 20 minutes, but this time, we expected to drive for an hour due to the traffic.

It was dark outside, and the weather was not on our side. We could hear the wind howling as it was starting to pick up, and the rain pounding against the car body.

Tris was not a fan of this kind of weather, and he got a little spooked. I sat in the front passenger seat, and looked back to see if he was doing fine. Pierce was holding onto Tris…it almost looked like they were cuddling.

Amy was frustrated as traffic had not moved for 10 minutes. She honked the horn like a mad villager and yelled at the people in the other cars (which, for sure, could not hear her).

Then, in the chaos of everything, I hear a loud explosion in the distance. It emitted a large, white flash that lit up the cars around us more than the headlights could. The power then went out, causing Tris to let out a yell as he started panicking.

“I don’t know why I’m panicking! I HAVE NOT RATIONAL REASON TO BE SCARED!”

I looked back, and wanted to comfort Tris, but he nudged himself closer to Pierce, and Pierce held onto him tighter, comforting him, almost trying to lull him to sleep.

People started honking their horns and it seemed like everyone was panicking. The wind picked up even more, and the howling got louder the longer we sat in the house.

“Fuck it, I’m going out there to see what’s going on,” said Amy, determined. She got her phone out of her pocket, and switched on the flashlight, ready to get out of the car to investigate.

“WHAT?! No! You’re not going!” I objected.

“Well then who? Cause I don’t think the two lovebirds over there are gonna go out,” she said, pointed at Tris and Pierce.

“Fine, but let me come with you, at least then we’ll be in pairs,” I said, defeated.

I got my phone out, and switched on the flashlight. I put the hood of my jersey on, and hopped out of the car, and struggled to close the door, as I was working against the wind.

I finally got the door closed, and looked over the car to see Amy looking at me.

It was only when we got out that I realised that the weather was really bad. The rain had me looking down, to avoid getting any water in my eyes, and the wind made me stumble as I tried to move.

We moved forward passed the myriad of still cars. All the cars had people in them wondering what was going on. We continued to walk, and I grabbed her hand so that we would not be separated.

I had to pull her forward for part of the journey to the front. I could already tell that we had been gone for a while.

I feel as if something is going on between Tris and Pierce. I don’t mean to speculate (because I never do, but this time is different). I couldn’t  assume that there was something going on between them, especially because Tris was scared, and Pierce seemed to only want to comfort him, but I just couldn’t shake this feeling of jealousy.

We finally got to the front of the line of cars, and shone our flashlights forward. A large tree had fallen, and was obstructing the road. There was nowhere else to go, and nobody was going to be able to move that tree unless they were superman.

Amy and I looked at each other, and turned back, and walked to the car, careful not to get our phones wet.

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