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Pierce’s POV

Tris and I walked out of the janitor’s closet, fixing our clothes. I kept thinking of one thing while we were busy in there: I thought I was out of the closet already.

I still have feelings for Tris. It’s sucky and I hate it because he’s with Amy, and I’m not particularly in the mood to destroy another relationship today. I just wanted to make sure that my mom is okay. They took out a whole kidney, and fixed up some broken bones.

“Pierce, maybe we should talk about what just happened,” he said. All the thoughts in my head ceased, and I looked at him like he was crazy.

“And what just happened Tris?” I asked him rhetorically.

A smile appeared on his face, and he said excitedly, “We just had very amazing s-“

“No we didn’t, we were just talking. Nothing happened,” I said, trying to hint at something. He nodded his head, understanding what I was trying to do.

We walked back to the waiting room, and we sat together for another hour without saying anything to each other. Kathy came back out, and gestured for me to follow her. I stood up, and looked at Tris, and signalled for him to follow me.

We walked passed some trauma rooms, which were still occupied by seemingly unstable patients, and arrived at the ICU where we were told to go to room number 6. The ICU seemed to be very busy, and crash carts filled up the hallways, along with nurses and some doctors by desks in the centre of the ward.

Tris and I arrived at room 6, and saw my mom with a cannula in her nose. She smiled when she saw me enter the room. Her leg was suspended and a cast was around her lower leg. Band aids were put on some of the cuts on her face, while a cut on the left side of her jaw was stitched up. An IV was put into her lower left arm, and she was riddled with bruises. Wires and tubes were also hidden underneath her hospital gown.

“Mom,” I said as I walked up to her bed. Despite all the trauma she has been through, she still looks amazing.

“Honey, guess what?” she asked like an excited school girl. I could feel my eyes becoming glassy as she asked. She’s okay, and she wants to make a joke…I think.

“What mom?” I asked, smiling at her, despite my voice losing some of its pitch.

“I was intubated. So my throat is swollen and whatever, so I can’t eat any solid foods. So could you order me a Big Mac and put it in a blender,” she said.

I leaned down, and hugged her gently, careful not to disturb any connections. I was scared, and afraid. Tris made me feel better, and I’m grateful.

“Okay mom,” I said, crying into her shoulder.

She tapped me on the shoulder, making me let go of her. “I’m so sorry sweetie. I wasn’t wearing a seatbelt, and now you gotta deal with all this guilt,” she said. I looked at her and nodded.

“It’s all my fault mom. I shouldn’t have done what I did. Traffic lights are there for a reason, and I caused all of this chaos here.”

“I’m not going to lie to you Pierce. This is your fault. You did what you did, but you can’t undo it. All you can do is learn from it, and try to forgive yourself for what you did. The doctor said I was the most serious case, and there were no fatalities. You got lucky mister, but don’t do it again,” she said, and then smiled at me. I honestly expected some kind of lecture or a reprimand.


“Look, I want you to be able to feel like you can come to me whenever you have a problem. I don’t want you to hide things from me, because I want to be able to help you. According to the entire family, I’m a bad mother because of it, but I think that this makes our relationship much stronger. If you mess up or ever get into trouble, just know that you can tell me. No matter what, I will be there.”

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