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Tyler’s POV

***Day after Christmas***

I am about ready to leave. I packed five suitcases worth of clothes, lotions, shoes, and sheets. My entire extended family decided to pitch up, and bid me farewell. Amy and Tris were there too. It was a sweet gesture.

I sat by the boarding gate with my passport and boarding ticket. This flight was very full. We would make a stop somewhere in Europe before actually making it to South Africa.

Pierce kind of cut us off after that day in the hospital. Tris told me about how Pierce went down on him, and tried to make him ‘his’. Obviously, having Pierce in the group ruined our dynamic, so we stopped talking to him. We blocked him on social media, and deleted his contacts. He hasn’t made a single effort to contact us from then on. A part of me was glad, but another was a bit hurt. I knew that breaking up with Pierce was the right thing to do, because our relationship would eventually die. And the fact that he went down on Tris showed that all the ‘shining star’ stuff was bullshit. I believed in him, but shit happens.

Sometimes, I think a lot about me not moving to South Africa at all. It would be more convenient to go to medical school here, but that doesn’t mean it would be easier.

The thing I think I will miss the most about Rayden is my friends. Sure, we’ve had a rocky few months, and a lot of things were said and done, but we got through it, although we left a man behind.

In hindsight, it would have been better to try to date Tris. Sure, he isn’t my type, but he seems nice. Amy would never approve though. Dating Tris would probably be like dating a nuclear bomb filled with knowledge.

For me, Pierce was like the spark that wouldn’t go out. It was paradise with him, and I loved every second of being with him. That was until he started acting like that, but it was justified. He must’ve felt betrayed by me. He must’ve felt abandoned. That probably stemmed from his father’s departure.

All this made my head hurt. Every time I thought about something involving Pierce, it just hurts my head. It was all so complicated. I couldn’t see the destructive nature of his behaviour to our group. Even before New York, he would mess up the dynamic of the group. He brought a new girl to our lunch table every other week, and tries to make that girl a part of our group. He would hang out with his sports friends more than he would with us, and he would break a new girl’s heart every month.

I’ve painted him as this protagonist, this person who would make everything better, but he didn’t. If I’m being honest though, it was my fault that we broke up at that hospital. Maybe I should’ve listened to that lady and no have gone to the hospital.

It might have been better if Alex hadn’t tried to put our group back together. We were destructive anyway; we were never going to survive outside of high school.

This shit is going to keep me up at night. Just because Pierce isn’t a part of my life anymore, doesn’t mean I won’t wonder about him from time to time. I’ll probably wonder who he’s dating, and I’ll wonder how his career is going, and I’ll wonder how his mom is doing. The last thing I heard from Alex is that she was doing fine.

Alex still talks to Pierce. Tris, Amy and I weren’t about to punish him for something that wasn’t his fault. We told him it was okay to hang out with Pierce, despite all shit having hit the fan multiple times.

I started imagining Pierce having bought a ticket only to chase me down and stop me from going into the plane. I expected some sort of romantic gesture before I even got to the boarding gates. I was disappointed, but I wasn’t surprised.

At this point, life has taught me to be pessimistic. If something does not work out for you, then that means that you were right, but if it does work out, then you are pleasantly surprised.

I became bored, and I took my phone out, and plugged in my earphones, and started playing Done For Me, by Charlie Puth. Honestly, this song expressed my feelings for Pierce perfectly.

I wasn’t going to be for Pierce’s love, and I wasn’t about to go on my knees. He knew how much I put into the relationship we had, but he didn’t see it that way. He saw it as me leaving, and me abandoning him.

I was sick and tired of all this shit. Maybe it is best that I leave, that I get as far away from Rayden as I can.

The fucked up thing is I think I still have feelings for Pierce, even after everything that’s happened. I’d lie for him, I’d steal for him, and I’d probably take a bullet for him if I could. I’ve cried my eyes out, and had sleepless nights after our break up, and I still have feelings for him.

I’m a fucking retarded human being, but at least I would have time away from him. A lot of time.

I’ve never cheated on him, and I’ve never done anything to make him feel insecure. I care and value our future together, but this is a once in a lifetime chance for me. If I see something like this, I should be very much inclined to take it.

“Now boarding Emirates Flight 1766.”
The intercom was loud enough that I could hear it even with my earphone in. I took my backpack, and started lining up at the front desk where a few ladies were checking our boarding passes and passports.

Eventually, it was my turn, and I stepped in front of an attractive lady with curly brown hair, and dark skin. She had on a revolting amount of makeup. She still looked pretty though.

She scanned my ticket, and tore part of it off. Then she gave it back to me. I stepped through the boarding gates, and said goodbye to my life in Rayden.


That’s the end of Shining Star! You guys should really go listen to Shining Star by Bebe Rexha. I love the song, and it inspired me to write this.

I am currently working on something I think you guys will like. It’s different from all these books on Wattpad, and I really think you guys will like it.

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