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"Why's there only one bed?" I asked.

We booked a room in Rayden ahead of time, but we thought that there would be four twin sized beds. We all stood and stared at the bed, contemplating on what to do. Instead of going to reception and asking for a new room or for another bed or something, we just stood there like brain dead snails...doing absolutely nothing.

"Okay, let's draw some cards or something out of hats to decide which two of us will sleep on the bed, agreed?" said Amy.

"Um...I would like to object," said Tris.

All of us immediately turned to look at him, and he made a face, a face that I am very familiar with. You know when you get to class late and everyone looks at you like you just murdered the teacher? Yeah, the face you make when that happens.

His eyes widened, and he tightened and straightened his lips, and awkwardly stared at everyone.

"It's just there's a 50% chance of sleeping on the floor, and the probability of sleeping on the bed decreases from 50% to less than 40% if the first draw is for the bed, and I frankly think that it's unfair because the only person who actually gets a fair draw is the first person, and if the first two draws are of the floor, then the remaining two will have a 100% chance of getting to sleep on the bed. There's just so much that's unfair with this system and I will NOT have it!" said Tris in vein.

Little did he know, we already got a hat, and 12 pieces of paper, and six of them had 'floor' written in pen on them, and 'bed' written on the remaining six. Tris looked angry.

"I OBJECT!" shouted Tris.

"Tris...I will literally throw you out the window," said Pierce in a threatening tone.

"Meanie..." mumbled tris. He may be smart, but he is childish as fuck, and it annoys the hell outta Pierce sometimes.

Amy held the hat out for me to draw first. I put my hand in there, closing my eyes. I take out a piece of paper, and open it.

"Bed bitches!!!" I said enthusiastically.

Everybody groaned.

"Okay, I'll go next," said Amy.

She hastily took a piece of paper out, and read it out loud,"Floor," she said in a sad tone.

"Pierce, you go," said Amy.

Pierce, who had a big, nervous smile plastered on his face stepped forward, and nervously drew a piece of paper. He kept smiling, and when he read his card, he sighed.

"Bed...bitch," he said cockily,"which means that Tris sleeps on the floor with Amy."

"Yeah, that's what I get for complaining," said Tris.

It was late, so we decided to start getting ready for bed. Amy and Tris went downstairs to get some food by the hotel buffet and left me and Pierce to change into pyjamas.

"Do you think Amy's gonna change in front of all of us?" asked Pierce.

"Nope...I mean, she's the only girl in the group, she's obviously gonna want some privacy," I said.

As soon as I finish speaking, Pierce takes off his shirt, and I explode inside. I try not to look at his toned stomach, but come on...who wouldn't? He proceeds to take his jeans off, and reveals his tight boxer briefs. His bulge...I feel like a bitch staring at a hot guy changing in front of me.

"You're a bitch, you know that?" I said.

"What the fuck, why?" he said, giggling.

"You're almost naked, and I'm...you know..."

"No," said Pierce in a playful tone,"I don't know."

"I'm gayer than a rainbow, and right now, I am very tempted by the attractive person taking off his clothes right in front of me," I said, almost fainting from the excessive blushing I do.

And Pierce smiled...he mother fucking SMILED!!

I stared him down, but my eyes drifted to his stomach and his bulge. I fucking make myself go crazy.

"Just put on your clothes please, I'm just very..." I never finish my sentence.

"Alright Mr. Gayer than a rainbow," he said with a chuckle, then he, unfortunately, started to put his clothes on.

I don't know, I'm kind of complicated, because when I give people signs, they're usually green stop signs.

I started to change into my pyjamas, and I felt Pierce's eyes on me, but I shrugged it off. Soon after, Amy and Tris come in with styrofoam containers filled with food. Pierce, for some weird reason, asked to to not have meat in his container.

Tris didn't really put in a lot of food for himself, and Amy I saw, had a lot of carbs. It makes sense though, cause she's a runner.

We ate together, and eventually decided that it was time to go to sleep. It was unseasonally hot, so everyone opted to sleep without a blanket, excluding me and Pierce. He had taken his shirt off cause t's so hot.

The bed wasn't small, but it couldn't comfortably house two people who aren't cuddling. Annoying thoughts linger in my head, and I can't get rid of them. I breath heavily as I think about reaching out to touch Pierce. The next thing I know, he rolls over, and faces me.

"You okay?" he asked. Pierce may look and sometimes sound scary and intimidating, but he's honestly a very nice person, especially when you get to know him.

"No, I feel...scared," I said. My heart's racing, I'm sweating, and I feel...almost lost. I've never been this far away from my parents. I'm always near them, I'm always just one call away, but now, I feel like anything could happen, and I wouldn't be able to get to my parents.

I have anxiety when I'm far from my parents because of my sister. When my mom was pregnant with me, she was around 16 years old. She had been raped and killed. They found her buried in a field about 10km outside of town. Ever since they told me that story, I always stayed close to them.

"Come here," he said, pulling me towards him. I want to resist, say that this is wrong, but how could it be wrong if it feels so right?

I rest my head on his chest as he wraps his arms around my back. I start to drift off to sleep.

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