589 26 15

A love that is now and forever unattainable.

I slowly open my eyes, and blink away the blurriness that infected my vision.

As I lie in the bed, I feel an arm around my waist, and feel someone's hot breath on my neck. I sit up slowly, careful not to wake this person up.

Pierce. Of course. It had to be him. A hot straight guy I like had to be spooning me while I was sleeping. I stretch and let out a long and low yaw.

I went to the bathroom with some clothes and toiletries, and I stepped over to the shower and stripped after closing the door behind me. I switched on the water and checked if the temperature was right before stepping inside.

The bathroom was nothing special. It was actually kind of small, but not so small that you would feel cramped inside. It had a simple design and a nice aesthetic. It was white, and had a large, frameless, square mirror hanging or glued over the sink. Then there was a toilet not far from the sink. The shower was a good size for someone like me, but if I had to imagine Pierce in here...which I should not do...he would probably think it was a little small.

Pierce isn't like bodybuilder muscular, more like, cliche American Football player muscular.

I rubbed some shampoo into my hair and I started to think:

Donuts are just buns with a hole in them. Rhinos are unicorns, but they aren't skinny and white. Every finger except for the middle finger has a special name. I know the recipe to make poop, cause when I eat, it turns into poop.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when the bathroom door opened. The damn shower was plain glass, and it hadn't fogged up enough to conceal me. I quickly covered myself up my soapy hands, and yelled at whoever opened the door,"What the actual fuck? I'm naked! I feel so exposed! Get OUT!"

I didn't want to look at the person, in fear of being awkward later on. I finish up, get my clean clothes on and curse myself for not locking the door.

"Y'all, we need to fucking talk!" I yell at the top of my lungs as soon as I get out the shower. Pierce and Tris, who were already awake, and were on their phones, stared at me, then Amy let out a deep groan and sat up.

"How the eff do you guys not hear the shower running, I mean, come on! I was naked! EXPOSED! Someone saw my wiener! And I'm not going to stand for it!"

"What do you expect us to do about it?" asked Amy, with a slight rasp in her voice.

"Everybody, strip down! I'm not gonna be the only one who's gonna be seen naked today!" I shouted. Amy scoffed at my absurd request, Pierce started giggling and Tris made a face. What a band of weirdos...I'm not really sure, they're the only friends I've had in a very long time.

As Shane Dawson would always say: What is my life?

I know that my request was ridiculous, but, I really was hoping for it to happen, mostly so that I could see a certain someone's wiener.

"Alright, I'm going out for a quick run," said Pierce, already in his exercise clothes. Amy quickly stood up and said,"I wanna come too!"

Fucking cougar, she's like, a month older than him. Disgusting.

"I'll come too," I said, immediately regretting what I had just said.

I quickly got changed into my exercise clothes in the bathroom, and was ready to go, but before I could even leave the bathroom, I stuck a quick pose and admire how good my butt looked in my shorts.

Pierce was wearing a tank top which had really long sleeve holes...that makes sense right? I'M DUMB!
He also had on shorts similar to mine, and a pair of New Balance running shoes. Amy had her hair tied back in a standard ponytail. She wore a sports bra with a see through crop top and some colourful yoga pants with Nike running shoes.

I wore shorts, a pretty plain tank top and Adidas running shoes.

"One more thing Tyler," said Pierce, and I looked towards him as he was sitting on the bed.

"Didn't you just shower?" he asked.

Damn, very good question, that was a very good question. "Yes, but...I...um...wanted to...feel fresh and...um...I just...felt like showering okay Patrice?!" I shouted, a little bit more aggressively than I wanted to be.

I could see Pierce cringe at me calling him Patrice.

"Why did you just call me Patrice?" he asked curiously.

"Oh, that's a How I Met Your Mother reference," I said, smiling.

"I've never watched that show," said Pierce and Amy simultaneously.

I rolled my eyes, and walked to the door to open it, then before we left, asked Tris,"Aren't you coming? Exercise is health and what not," I said in the most convincing voice I could put on. It is very hard to be excited about doing something you hate.

Exercise is basically a form of human torture. Your heart races, you stat sweating, your body starts to ache and you get extremely tired and dehydrated in some cases. This should be classified as a disease or a disorder. I mean, no one would need to exercise if vegetables and fruits tasted like junk food, and visa versa.

""Nope, exercise is not for me, I am way too lazy for that shit," said Tris, surprising us all with his laid back tone and the swear word he just uttered.

We got out, closed the door, and we were off.


New York City is beautiful, I wouldn't be surprised if we ran into other runners.


This is easier than I thought.


Okay, my throat's starting to get a bit sore, and nobody's stopping.


I'm fucking sweating like a pig!


I'm over this bullshit. My throat's sore, my legs are aching, I have a sharp pain in my lower abdomen and I think one of my lungs collapsed.


Apparently it's only been 5 minutes.


We got back to the hotel, and I immediately got in the bathroom with my stuff, LOCKED THE DOOR, and got myself ready for the day.

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