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Tyler's POV 

Tris and Pierce made no effort whatsoever to contact us, and made no effort to try to reconciliate. It didn't surprise me at all, because I started to tell myself not to expect things to turn out the way I wanted when I was younger.My dad was absent for most of my childhood life, but he showed up, usually when it suited him, and it kind of left this big hole in me.

It sounds cliché, but yeah. I am the stereotypical gay guy with daddy issues. It's not as fun as everybody makes it sound.Pierce is the only guy that I have actually liked, and not knowing where we stood drove me crazy. Everytime I thought of him, I would zone out completely, and I would not be present in any conversation.

Come to think of it, Pierce does have a ton of flaws that I keep overlooking.

First, he is not a fan of Ariana Grande. He thinks that she killed Mac Miller (very controversial and sensitive topic among his fans). Second, he dos have some anger issues, and often fails to hide his emotions; Pierce acts on his emotions, and if he were to, hypothetically, feel happy, he would act irresponsibly. Third, he talks about Physics and theories and whatever ALL THE FUCKING TIME. It's not annoying, it's just that it can get quite tedious pretending like I'm interested in and involved in the conversation.

There is a lot more than three flaws, but for some reason, they don't bother me, even though they should.The image of Pierce kept running through my head as I drove Amy and I to Rayden Mall. We were going to meet Alex at Dinner (the restaurant) today. I took my driver's test before today, and passed with driving colours (terrible pun intended).

I was able to drive as long as I had no passengers and a person with a driver's license in the passenger seat.I got us undercover parking close to one of the entrances. I parked Amy's car, and we got out, walking slowly towards the food court.

The mall was surprisingly empty, considering that this was the time when most people got paid. I shrugged it off, and continued walking alongside Amy.

"Tyler," Amy said, looking towards me.

"Yes?" I asked, pulled out of my own thoughts, revolving around Pierce of course.

"If Alex was gay, would you date him?"I stopped in my tracks, and looked at her dumbfounded.

I cannot deny Alex's attractiveness, but to go as far as to be romantically involved with him?

"NO," I shouted out unnecessarily and dramatically.

She burst out into laughter, clutching onto her stomach, and she continued laughing until tears started streaming down her face.

This fucktard...

"Why though?" she asked through her slowed down giggles.I looked at her, and then shrugged. I didn't really have a valid reason for not wanting to date him...I just didn't. Maybe it was because I already had feelings for Pierce, and those feelings were going to stay for a very long time. Honestly, I would like to move on from Pierce, but my stupid brain won't let me.

"I would like to enjoy the simple pleasure of liking Pierce," I said, vaguely referencing The Fault in Our Stars, by John Green.She finally topped laughing, and I stood there with my hands on my hips, shooting her a disapproving look.Amy probably stopped laughing because she knew how serious this bullshit is between Pierce and I. I never wanted to get involved with him, but he's the one that decided to complicate this.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay?" she said, putting her hand on my shoulder, trying (and failing) to cheer me up. I had very bipolar tendencies that would often upset my friends, and this is one instance of a bipolar tendency.

Whatever, I refused to let Pierce get in the way of me having a good time with Amy and Alex. They were my best friends right now, and my gay ass was not about to let my issues with some bisexual ass guy rile me up.

We continued walking, having a very nice conversation about other things that did not involve Pierce. Getting over him would be a great thing to do, and it would enable me to finally be able to do activities with my highest capacity.

I needed to prepare myself to go to South Africa in January anyway. Getting into University there was mostly for the experience. Visiting a country that I have never been to and studying there for a number of years.

Distancing myself from Pierce would be good because having to split up with him or not see him at all because of me moving thousands of miles away would break me.

Pierce, is undeniably, the most attractive person I have ever met. Although not many people may agree with me, I stick to my judgement.

We walked up to Dinner, and inside, I saw Alex sitting at a large booth, waiting for us. He had quite a few menus lying on the table for us, and I raised an eyebrow curiously.

"Hey guys," he said, standing up, with an enormous smile plastered on his face. He hugged Amy, and him and I did a handshake we had made up that took a ridiculous amount of time to complete.The booth was semi-circular, and enclosed a large round table. The leather on the booth was a very dark blue. It complimented the overall theme of the restaurant. The lighting was dark, and an intimate atmosphere was created. Although, if you looked at it from another point of view, you could say that the lighting and theme would warrant some kind of clubby atmosphere.

Amy, Alex and I sat down in the booth placing equal distance from each other, with me in the middle, and Alex on my left, closer to the entrance of the restaurant.I wondered why we needed such a large booth, and so many menus. Would somebody be joining us soon? Did the waiters not clean up the menus from a previous party?

"Um...Alex," I said, before being cut off my a loud groan. Amy, who faced the entrance, had a look of disgust plastered on her face, as if she saw someone she did not want to see.I looked to the entrance, and saw the two people I didn't want to talk to at this moment, Tris and Pierce.

"Damnit Alex! You set us up!" I shouted. I wasn't exactly angry, because I did want to resolve the issues that arose between the group. I wanted us to be friends again, and to hang out like we used to.Tris and Pierce arrived at the booth, and saw the both of us. They didn't look surprise at all. They probably got help from Alex to plan this all.

Pierce looked at Alex, and did subtly nodded his head. As if on cue, Alex got up, and went out of sight. Pierce sat where Alex sat, and Tris forcefully pushed Amy closer to me, sitting where she used to sit.They had effectively trapped us. Going under the table wasn't an option because of the small space there was. I sighed, resistance would be futile at this point, so I decided it would be better to comply with any requests that they had.

"For a smart guy, this was a very dumb thing to do," Amy said, looking at Pierce.

"I'm sorry, we had no choice," he sad, before facing Pierce, who sat right across from him.

Pierce put his hand of the table, and looked around at us. He cleared his throat, and said,"We need to talk."

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