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Tyler’s POV

Amy looked royally pissed. Tris and Pierce looked at her with concern, but they were the ones that should have been concerned. When Amy became mad, she would say and do things that other people would immediately regret. Amy never regretted her actions, even if it hurt her as well. She said that if you do something, and you really wanted to do it, then it was worth it.I’ve never understood the kind of thinking Amy has, but I have adapted to being around her and tolerating her most of the times. Sometimes, she would go way to far.

“Look, guys, if you wanted to talk to us, you could’ve called, or texted,” I said, trying to cut through the tension.

“Funny coming from you. YOU didn’t even say anything after we got back!” shouted Pierce, clearly fuming. I did not respond to his statement. Sure, I didn’t make an effort to contact him after we got back from New York, but I wasn’t the one who caused all the drama. I certainly wasn’t the one who kissed Tris, knowing about my feelings towards...myself I guess.

“Look, what you guys are doing is real shitty, you can’t just trap us here and expect us to make up,” Amy said, crossing her arms underneath her average size breasts. She had a point though. You cannot force mediation between people. Making up and hugging it out would take more than a 30 minute conversation about what went wrong in New York.

“If we don’t make up, it’s okay, we just want to talk. Statistically...” then Amy’s loud groan cut Tris’s sentence off. She continued to groan, playfully banging her head against the table, as the sound reverberated through the mostly empty restaurant. Usually, when Amy was calm, she would tolerate, and maybe even be interested in his ramblings.

Pierce looked over at Tris, and gave him an apologetic nod. He turned back to me, and stared into my eyes. I have got to admit, he does have very pretty eyes. If I was closer, I would probably be able to see my reflection in his eyes.“Look, we just want to hash things out, and talk about what to do after this,” he said calmly, putting his hands on the table, lacing his fingers in between one another. I just noticed that he was wearing a tight fitting black shirt that showed off his muscular arms and complemented his pristine figure. “I swear, if we don’t manage to work things out after this, Tris and I will leave you alone.” There was a short pause, and then Amy and I nodded at the same time, indicating that we would agree with their terms.

Amy adopted a relaxed posture, and I kept the tension inside of me, not trusting that their conditions would stick.“Look, Pierce and I only kissed because I was curious. I was the one who initiated it, and didn’t want to stop. He didn’t want to out me or to give the reasons for kissing me because he felt like I would get angry,” he said, and as he was speaking, I could see Pierce’s surprise through my peripheral vision. He was obviously lying, but I wasn’t going to say anything to jeopardize the future of this group.

Amy nodded her head, and was about to speak, but I interrupted, saying,”Okay, but Pierce, why did you allow him to kiss you? Surely you had some reserves about it,” I asked, still looking at Tris.

Pierce, from my peripheral vision, looked flustered.” I guess I wanted to help him out. I kinda had this little crush on him the first time that I met him at my practice. I felt obligated to. He kinda threw me off when it came to my sexuality. He...sort helped me, so I felt that I had to help him.” We listened attentively to his reasons, and all nodded. Amy seemed convinced, but knowing her, she just put on a mask for the sake of mediation.

Then Amy spoke, and said,”Do you like Tyler?” I looked at Amy with my eyes wide open. I didn’t want to hear what he had to say. It could very well be that Pierce doesn’t have any romantic feelings towards me at all. That idea scares me, and making it a reality would very well crush me.There was a moment of silence, and then Pierce let out an earth shaking groan so low that it surprised me. Obviously, he was either frustrated with the question, or embarrassed with the answer he wanted to give.

As he was about to speak up, I contemplated plugging up my ears, but before I could, he gave an answer already,”Yes, I do. I like him a lot. He is smart, beautiful and fucking funny. I have never met anybody like him. He’s brought a light into my life that...I just couldn’t live without. Honestly, if it was up to me, we’d be together already. I don’t know about him though.”I tried to hold back the smile that was forming, but I couldn’t help myself. My cheeks warmed up, and I closed my eyes, not wanting to look him in the eye. “Tyler? What about you?” he asked, probably looking towards me. I slowly opened my eyes, and looked at him.

“I can’t form one coherent sentence with you around. I’ve liked you for a while, but I have lacked the self confidence to tell you in person,” I said, holding back my growing smile.We stared into each others eyes, and almost telepathically agreed to talk about what was going on between the two of us later.

“You two liking each other is cool and whatever, but, Tris is still in some deep shit,” said Amy, putting things back into perspective.The group broke up mostly because of what Pierce did, and now that we’ve solved that, Tris is the main focus. Obviously Amy still likes Tris, but won’t admit it. She wants Tris to work for her affection, and it shows.

“Um, hello, my name is Penelope, and I will be your waiter today. Have you decided on what to order?” I looked at the waiter who was addressing us. She had dark red hair, and a petite figure. Her chest was almost flat, but overall, she looked very cute. None of us said anything, and she assumed that meant we weren’t ready. She muttered a quick ‘okay’ before she walked away.

“Look, I like you Amy, and I really want to try us out, I didn’t mean for things to turn out this way, but they did. I’m very sorry for that. I really want us to be together. Me kissing Pierce was just out of curiosity, but I don’t have any feelings for him. I’m not about to go down without a fight Amy, please just...don’t let this thing between us fade,” he said, his voice cracking in between.

Amy looked at him, crossed her arms, and said,”I’m sorry Tris, but I cannot forget what you did to me. Pierce is my ex! I shouldn’t have to worry whether or not you’re gonna relapse, and cheat on me with him ‘out of curiosity’. I really don’t have time for that kind of shit.”Tris looked at Amy, clearly heartbroken.

He looked down at his lap, and said,”Okay,” so quietly that we almost didn’t hear.

“We can still be friends though. I don't want this group to fall apart,” she said.

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