Chapter 20: We're Back!

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Ira's Pov:
I nodded to Gears as we went downstairs and everyone was rushing here and there. We both agreed to tell my secret bacause, if we want Gadget back, those memories should do the trick. "Hey guys um.." Gears said, his arm reaching towards the main room. "Sorry Gears but, can't chat! Perfect Infinity!" Amy said quickly as she passed by. We looked at each other in nervousness and confusion, everyone is so busy kinda like bees.

"Everyone shut up!" I exclaimed and they all looked at me. "Why should we?" Shadow asked, he walked over to me. "Because I have a information and a advantage of how to get Gadget back to normal." I explained, Sonic pushed Shadow aside to reach me. "Really? What is it?" He asked, his tone seemed rather shakey and nervous. "Me and Gadget kept this a secret from all of you but, we used to date each other back in the war." I confessed, I shut my eyes just waiting for something bad to happen.

"Well that explains why Rookie always wanted to join me whenever I had to battle you. It also explains why he agreed to fuse with you." Sonic chuckled as he put his right arm on my shoulder. "As much as me and probably everyone are disappointed in you two...we're glad you told us. If Gadget can remember you, he might turn to his good old lovable self." He said with a smile, everyone nodded and some gave me a thumbs up.

"If Ira can make Gadget go back to normal...well how are we supposed to do it?" Gears asked. He had a point, Gadget is Perfect Infinity and I don't think he'll leave us alone or make things easier without a fight. "Gosh, I never thought about that. Well before we can plan, I'd like to do something." Sonic said and ran upstairs. We heard a few things fall onto the floor while a couple hitted the wall.

Once he found whatever he was looking for, he ran back with a few items in his hands. "Since Gadget is well unavailable to say the least..." He handed me the items which was Gadget's normal outfit. "It's best to say that you are our new Rookie." He said as I put on the clothings. His boots, gloves and belt fitted perfectly as if we had the same size.

Everyone smiled at me and I felt like a new person. Although really, it seems as if me and Gadget switched places. "Welcome to the resistance, Ira I mean Rookie." Knuckles said and I nodded while chuckling a bit. Looks like a new war is starting up. One that hopefully will last a month.

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