Chapter 30: The Resistence V.S. Clone Army

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3rd Person Pov:
The members of the Resistence were quiet but, quick as they made their way to Perfect Infinity's base. Ira was still wondering how he should release Gadget from the Phantom Ruby's grasp. Their first date came to mind but, it wasn't a good reason for Gadget to come back. Gears already had his memory chosen as he picked one from their childhood, one that included their mother. "Hey, our final battle is soon." Gears said to Ira as he lagged back from the group to reach the Jackal. "Yeah, it's our last one hopefully. We have to defeat him, if we don't Gadget will be gone forever and another war will begin." Ira explained, he looked down as he fidgeted with his utility belt.

"I noticed that would happen. Do you need to get anything off your chest before our battle? This may be our last one if we aren't careful." Gears stated, he trembled at the thought of his own brother killing him. "I guess, Sonic is missing again. When I had him captured, I did a lot of terrible things to him." Ira confessed, he sweated as Sonic was still currently captured and him being tortured was a sensitive topic for everyone. "Yeah, you tortured him, we know." Gears added, he didn't want any details about those moments but, he was curious about Sonic. When the members rescued him, Sonic seemed fine and un-harmed. He didn't come back with any bruises nor, did he seem mentally broken. He came back with his signature smile on his face, it was creepy when the members deeply thought about it.

"There is a reason, he came back the way he did." The Jackal started, he looked at Gears who seemed uncomfortable and scared. "You know what no. I'll tell you after our battle." Ira admitted, he didn't want to make Gears more uncomfortable and lose trust in him. The Wolf smiled at him as it seemed that Ira was better understanding how people felt. "Corvin! Fuschia!" Rouge exclaimed, the two looked in her direction. The members looked at the two in fear, they seemed rather strong and in rage. Shadow instantly ran up to them and used his all his might to defeat them which he did. Corvin and Fuschia laid there after a few strong hits and kicks, they soon disappeared in thin air. "Clones..weaker versions of them." Tails mumbled, he knew that real versions of Corvin and Fuschia weren't vert strong compared to Gadget and Gears.

"Idiots...Perfect Infinity told them to terrorize left over citizens." A voice said, the voice sounded familiar to everyone. "S-Sonic?" Amy questioned as she saw Sonic standing there. Sonic didn't move, he just stared at the remaining members. "Perfect Infinity wants me to finish you off. So, I will with his army by my side!" Sonic yelled out, next to him were clones of Mephiles, Corvin, Fuschia, Knuckles, and Tails. The last two clones were for Sonic but, the plan changed so now, they were used for a confusing mix up. "Where is Perfect Infinity?" Shadow asked, he made himself ready for a fight like the rest of the members. "You have to go through me first before knowing the answer." Sonic replied as he sent out the army to attack. The Resistence responded with an all out battle beginning.

While the others were fighting Gears and Ira managed to sneak out the battle with an occasional hit to a enemy. However, their plan soon failed as Sonic caught them walking towards Perfect Infinity's base. Although, rather than walking to them and picking up a fight. Sonic thought of a better plan.

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