A Coward's Melee - Black Cat

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Chapter 9 - Black Cat

Abaddon’s POV

I feel warm from the side of my head. I roll over and realize it’s the sun as it hits my whole face. Groaning I roll back the other way and slowly open my eyes, adjusting to the light. Looking around I notice I’m not in my room. It’s a room the size of classroom but instead of desks there are beds and on the far side of the room there is a large desk with papers and such.

“Guessing I’m in the nurses office.” I mumble to myself as I sit up, rubbing my head trying to get the pounding out.

“You are correct.” I turn to the door as a lady walks in, “You passed out during homeroom and they brought you here. I’m the school’s nurse by the way, if you hadn’t noticed.” She says smiling at me. She looked to be around her 30’s with dark hair and bright eyes. She reminded me of my mother, which set me off a bit.

“How long have I been out?” I ask while trying not to let the feeling bother me too much, wasn’t her fault.

“About the whole day actually; lunch should be starting right about…now.” And like on queue the bell rang signaling lunch.

“Guess I came for school only to nap eh.” I say giving her a small smile.

“Yes but don’t make it a habit miss, you have to take care of your body so you should sleep more.” She said in a playful voice but I knew she was serious.

“Yes ma’am.” I really did need to sleep better but with the dreams that keep popping up I don’t know if I want to. The dream was still lingering in my head. I know for sure that all these dreams I’m having aren’t just random or my imagination going wild. It’s always the same people and this last dream left a bad taste in my mouth.

I didn’t realize I had spaced out till the nurse spoke, “I know senior year can be a bit stressful but don’t let it overwhelm you okay? You have your whole life to stress out about so just enjoy your last year with your friends.” I nodded my head in agreement, “Oh your friend that brought you said she would come at lunch, and there she is”

I knew who it was before they even came fully into view, “Hey champ, how you holding up?” asks Katherine making her way over to me.

“Well I have to go run some things with the front office so I’ll leave you two alone for now. Abaddon is it? You can leave as soon as lunch is over.” She said as she went out the door.

I turned my attention back to Katherine who was now sitting in a chair in front of me, “Champ? Really?” I ask giving her my toothy smile, making her blush slightly.

She gives out a small embarrassed laugh, “Yeah sorry, I tell Jake the same thing so I guess it kinda slipped. Anyways how’s your head? You kinda hit it when you passed out and fell on the floor.”

“So that’s why it hurts, I was wondering about that.” I say while rubbing my head, wincing when I touch a soft spot.

“You know for a big bad wolf you’re a big wimp. How can you’re name be Abaddon.” She says teasingly. I was about to counter it when I remembered something, something that I had forgotten from the first time we both met.

I grabbed her hand suddenly which startled her a bit, “Katherine do you remember what you told me when we first met?”

“That…you had an interesting name?” she asks confused.

“Yeah yeah, and do you remember how you told me a story?” I ask quickly.

“Oh! Yeah I remember that, why?”

If she knew the story behind my name then maybe she could give me some info on who the people in my dream are. It was a long shot but worth a try, “Will I’m hoping you could tell me more about it. Like who was the person the angel entered the war for and all that stuff. I know it’s out of the blue but will you? Or do you have to get back to your….” I asked while letting go of her hand.

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