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PoV: Jimin
Okay, I fucked up. Yoongi obviously thinks that I'd make fun of him.

"No, listen I really would like to become friends. You seem different and interesting. I'm not such a bad guy" I explain.

He stays quiet and sighs then. "Leave me alone, kid" he says and leaves.

'Kid'? I'm pretty sure he's younger than me tho, so who is the kid ?

It rings and I'm heading back to class, but Yoongi was not there.

In fact, he left the school. The teacher told us that Yoongi went home because he didn't feel well. I started to feel a little worried but whatever.

PoV: Yoongi

I unlock the door and enter the house. "No shoes.. No jackets.." I talk to myself. When I make sure that my parents are not at home, I sigh in relieve.

Slowly I walk upstairs and throw myself on the bed. "For fucks sake.." Why am I always cursing ?

I put on my headphones and start to listen to some music. Music is the only thing in the world that makes me feel good and safe. Well, and alcohol. But being drunk brings me in bad situations.

Suddenly, I hear keys. The maindoor downstairs opens and makes me frown. No doubt it's my parents. >fuck<


Without hesitation I stand up... and walk downstairs, facing my mum and dad.
"Yoongi.. Why the fuck is it so cold here ? Did you clean the kitchen?" At least my mum seems sober.

"No... The windows were open so I.. I just left it like-" My father interrupts me and punches me right in my stomach. I fall to the ground and start coughing.

"Stupid piece of shit!" he shouts.

"I'm sorry, I-I forgot.." I stutter in pain.

"Don't you dare talking if we don't ask you to." my dad says.

I nod.

"So. How was school? Good ? Did you find any friends? " he asks and smirks evily.
I shake my head.

"Tz, what a surprise. Your brother would make fun about you." As I try to get up, my father pushes me and I fall again

Tears are filling my eyes, thinking about my 'brother'..

I hold myself back from crying and stand up, making my way upstairs again. Everything hurts. Everything is in pain. My body and my mentality.


PoV: Jimin

[At home]
~Jungkookie~ sent you a message.

Jimin ! Where were you ?? Taehyung and I were searching for you 😒😔

"Jesus christ.. those kids" I mutter and start typing.

Sorry I was busy.. Did you heard about that new student in my class ?

Hm ?
Oh ! Nim Yoonki ?

Min Yoongi x3

Whatever ! What's up with him ?

Today I tried get friends with him, but he seems hard to get @.@

Hyung 😒 Stop fucking around. Get a life.

•I sigh and laugh at the same time.

I mean real friends (」゚ロ゚)」

Oh my- Taetae is here, let's talk later~ See ya !

"Fuck off!" I throw my phone on the bed and sat down. Damn, I'm annoyed of their relationship. It's been almost a year and they still haven't break up.

I mean.. sure I'm happy for them, they really love each other But I'm just the third wheel now.. It pisses me off and reminds me on how lonely I feel sometimes.

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