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PoV: Jimin
It's been only two days and Yoongi is already skipping school. I wonder if he's annoyed by this school or if he's really ill. I'll try to not think about him too much.

Then, suddenly. The first lesson starts and the teacher is explaining some math formulas, when unexpectedly the door opens and a familiar boy enters the room.

The whole class looks in his direction and starts talking again. No wonder..
Yoongi looks... terrible. His lips are all fucked up and he has a bruised left eye. Obviously I'm worried, even tho we're not friends.

"Min Yoongi, you are late. What is your excuse?" Mr. Jung asks, not caring about Yoongi's appearance at all.

He just shrugs and goes to his seat, sittung down next to me. "Sorry. I, uhm.. Didn't hear the alarm.. And the past few days I had fever.. so" His voice is barely hearable.

Jung sighs in disappointment and continues the lesson.

"Hey, what the hell happened ? You look awful.." I ask worried in a whispering voice. I am really shocked when I see his face from close.. Yoongi must have tried to cover up the wounds with make up, but it didn't seem to work.

..Who did that? A friend? His.. parents? "None of your buisness" he answers while he places his materials on the table.

I really wanna know what happened and I want to help him.. Sometimes I hate that caring part of me but I can't help it.


"Okay, please get ONE partner for your coming astronomy project. You have 5 minutes." The teacher says. Well damn, Yoongi will probably say no if I ask him. (Yes, Yoongi was my first thought)
But he has no other chance right? The other students don't seem to like him so...

"Wanna do it with me?" The mint haired male suddenly asks and looks at me. Huh? Did he rrally just ask me that?
Also, why am I so dirty minded ?

Without hesitation I'm trying to answer "Yeah, s-sure! We can-"

"Jimiiinn, let's be partners~!" I'm getting interrupted by Lisa again.. She is really an annoying.. bitch.

"Lisa, sorry Yoongi is my-"

"It's okay." Now Yoongi interrupts me. I look confused at him.
Is he serious??

"I'll just do this project by myself" he adds mumbling and looks away.

Nooo... Why the hell does he say that?

"Like I said. Sorry Lisa, Yoongi is my partner" I look back at the female mate and apologize for the rejection. Clearly, she feels sad and glares at Yoongi. Maybe she's mad too.. Anyway, she leaves without saying a single word.

"Are you.. stupid?" Yoongi asks.

"No. Are you ?" I return the question which makes him think.

"Maybe." He answers after a while. I smile at him and he rolls his eyes.


"Okay, now that you all have a partner and know what to do, please prepare your presentation till next friday. You are free to go now." The students are excited and start packing their stuff.

"So when shall we meet??" I ask in a good mood. I'm really glad to have Yoongi as my partner. Hopefully I'm going to get to know him a little better.

"Today? At your place?" Yoongi suggests. I was surprised that he talked so forward actually.

"Today?? Like now?? Going home with me?" I ask kinda nervously.

He nods, "Yeah".
"Okay, sure! You wanna use the bus ??" We packed our stuff as well and leave the classroom.

"I never use the bus.." He says and looks down.

"What??! For real? Where do you live?" I ask surprised.

"Uhm.. On the other side of the city actually. But I just don't have any money for the bus and I don't know how that all works.."

For real? How can he come all the way to school without a bus or car ??!

"Oh jesus, I'm gonna show it to you, okay ? It's not complicated, trust me. And I have some money left!"

"What? Why would you do that.. It's really not necessary" Yoongi says irritated.

"I know, you don't want to be friends, but I won't become poor just by using 4$ for one extra bus ride" I start laughing. "Not a big deal"

"If you say so.."


"See, it's very easy"
We sit down on one of the last lines after I explain him how it all works with the bus tickets and get in.

"Mhm" he nods and sits down next to the window.
After I look around, I realize that the bus is pretty empty, which is very unusual.


"So... what happened to your face and why are you now okay with coming to my place even tho you didn't seem to like me at the beggining?"

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