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[So. Now y'all know why this ff is called blue wrists :D I always wanted to post the last part but I always thought it's too early @.@ Now I just did it lmao]


PoV: Jimin
I always thought that I already showed Yoongi that I care for him but from now on I really won't hold back. A person like him needs a lot of love and affection, even if he won't admit it.


The same evening:
"Yoongi, how are you feeling?" I ask, hugging him tightly.

"I'm fine.." he replies quietly.
"What about Jimin?"

AWWwwH, he just spoke in third person to me, That sounded so cute, I'm gonna-
C-Calm down, Jimin, chill. Breathe, this is a serious situation.

"I'm fine too" I kiss his forehead and smile at him.
He doesn't return the smile that much, he just stares at me with guilty eyes..

"I'm sorry" he mumbles, leaning against my torso.
"Please don't think I don't like or trust you"

"It's totally okay" I answer calmed.

"I really like you a lot and... I have issues showing love or emotions in general. You are definitely the only person I have right now and I'm so afraid to lose that person 'cause of some dumb mistakes I might make.." he explains.

"Yoongi, no. Stop worrying, I won't leave you. Never, no matter what you do-"

"Yeah, you keep saying that but at the end we don't know what might happen in future. You could find someone better... Same goes for me.."

"No Yoongi! You can't say that. I won't leave you and you won't leave me too, okay? I'd die from lonelyness.." I hold him closely and lean into his crook of neck.

"I-I wouldn't do that!.. Besides, nobody likes me anyway so why would I leave you for another person"
Which is a mysterium.

For me Yoongi is the cutest and most loveable thing in the world. And after I heard and even saw how people treat him, I really wonder if I'm the weird one.
...Like, why doesn't anyone else think he's just perfect? It's weird.

"Hyyyungg" I whine dramatically.

He then giggles pityful and wrapps his arms around me.

"Let's end this conversation... I'm so tired" he whispers.

I nod and pull a blanket over our bodies. I hold him close and keep stroking his hair until we both fall asleep.


PoV: Yoongi

Weeks later:

What shall I do, what shall I do, what shall I do?!

Today Jimin literally collapsed in the kitchen and I didn't know what to do.
I made it to carry him to the living room and place him on the couch, but... I'm so worried, I don't know what to do.

"Jimiiiinn, wake up!" I say worried, shaking his shoulders. But there's no response.. He's clearly unconcious..

His breath is pretty heavy and his expression seems strenuous, so maybe he's ill..?
Does he have fever? Maybe something serious.. And I don't know how to handle situations like this..

I don't even know where his medicament stuff is.. I really should do something.

I start searching for medicine or at least something like that in the whole house, but I can't find anything.

My next option is the phone.. I google what to do when a person is sick or has high fever. Obviously they suggest taking medicine but since I don't have any I decide to place a wet and cold towel on his forehead, which should cool him a little down.

"Jimin" I hum desperately, sitting next to him on the floor.

I pout disappointed and poke his little cheek, in hope that would cause a reaction but it didn't.

10 minutes passed and he has still heavy breathing and he looks like he's in pain..


Then, suddenly. Jimin finally twitches a little bit before opening slowly his eyes and making an exhausted 'mhhh' sound.

"J-Jimin, how are you feeling? Are you okay??" I ask concerned.

He stares at me for a while before answering.

"Yeah.. But it's so hot " he mumbles.

"How can I help you?.. Should I bring you something? Where do you keep medici-"

"In the bath.. under the sink" he interrupts.

In the bathroom under the sink? ..I didn't check that place, whoops.
Immediately I run to the bathroom and open some drawers under the sink.

Indeed, there is really a little box with some medicaments!
I read all the under titles until I found something with 'against headache and fever' on it. I grab it and head back to Jimin.

"Here!" I hand him a tiny pill and a glass of water that was standing in the table randomly.

He carefully sits up and takes the medicine I gave him.

"What happened??.. You scared me when you suddenly collapsed" I say.

"Oh- really..? I'm sorry, Hyung. I just powered off out of nowhere" He replies a little confused.

"You caught a cold?"

"Aargh, hopefully not.." he grumbles.

"Just stay in bed all day and maybe it won't become worse then!" I suggest.

Jimin giggles lightly.

"Okay, I will do as you say" He smiles and ruffles my hair, making me all flustered.

"You seem so overwhelmed.. Is everything fine? Never had a cold yourself?" he then asks curiously.

"Ah.. Actually I get sick very easily, but I don't know how to 'heal' other people, you know? When I'm ill I just stay in bed for as long as possible.. My parents never allowed me to take medicine,.. that's a waste. " I tried to explain.

Jimin suddenly frowns and picks me up, while he's still sitting on the couch.
"Yoongi.. Whenever you talk about your parents It makes me so mad..." he pulls me onto his lap. "I wanna.. I don't know what I'd do if I'd meet them in person... especially your father. They are the worst" he says with a deep creepy voice.

"Besides.. Medicine would never be a waste on you, I hope you know that(?) Your parents are just assholes. If you're ever getting ill I'm gonna get you medicine, okay? It's not a waste."

I feel so touched by Jimins words once again. I hate him for making me feel this way... Hate him so much.

"Okay" I reply quietly.

Jimin hugs me and lays down with me, wrapping his legs around mine.. I noticed that it's one of his sleeping habits, it's so cute..

"You still have a fever, so you should rest" I stroke his nosebridge.

"Yeaah.. And I want you to stay with me but at the same time I don't cuz you might become sick then too"
Jimin sighs in desperation.

"Hehe, it's okay. I'll try to stay healthy" I say and snuggle into his arms.

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