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PoV: Yoongi
As I'm changing into Jimin's pants, I realize that I start to feel dizzy. This is usually the time I take some pills.
Well I think people would call it drugs but for me they're like medicine. They help me to stay calm and keep me away from anxiety panic attacks.

This sucks.. But I have to live with that for now, I guess.

The pants are a little too wide, but they feel pretty comfy actually. I look around the bathroom and notice that Jimin seems to own make up remover, which is standing next to the sink on a little table.

He.. uses that? I'm a little surprised but then I just shrug it off.

"It's okay if I use this, right?" I ask myself when I open the little bottle and start cleaning my face with the liquid.


After I finish washing the makeup off, I look in the mirror and feel how my eye are filling up with tears.

I'm such a mess. Actual fucking trash.

... My skin's just so.. screwed up. On my neck are obvious bruises and scars, but luckily the pullover is somehow covering them up.
The rest of my body isn't better either. I'm pale, skinny and.. kinda deformed... Okay what ?

Damn, I really hate myself.

PoV: Jimin
"Thank you" Yoongi mumbles as he walks back in the room, wearing My pants. And damn, why do I think that he looks so cute in them?

Then I also see his face. He isn't wearing makeup and looks almost like another person.

His black eyes are much smaller than before and his skin literally looks like snow because of his paleness. In combination with his red lips, I believe that Yoongi could be the male version of snow white.

All of him is so pretty.

"..Jimin?" Yoongi's voice brings me back to reality, I didn't even notice that I driffted away with my thoughts about him that much.

"Oh y-yeah. You are welcome!" I reply hectically and scratch the back of my head.

"Sooo... It's only 9pm, what shall we do?" I ask smiling.
Yoongi stays quiet and shrugs.

"I dunno" He answers and looks at the mattress.

"Oh- Are you sleepy already?"

"Maybe just a little bit.." He says.

"You can sleep then. Don't force yourself to stay awake." I point at the matress infront of him and smile.

He walks to the mattress and sits down, looking a little uncertain.
"Somethin wrong?" I ask concerned.

"No.." Yoongi shakes his head.. "Just why are you so kind to me?"

"Why you ask.. Does that even matter? I'm not fooling you" I answer ashamed. Like, what kind of answer should I give him? 'Yeah, you look cute. that's why'
or 'because I want to be friends'?

Both is true but very awkward.


Yoongi rolls his eyes and lays down. "It's very comfortable.." he whispers. "Really?" I ask surprised. He silently nods.

So cute. I wonder what kind of bed he has at home..
"And is your eye fine?" I ask.
.. No answer tho...

"Yoongi..?" -Did he already fall asleep ?!

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