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PoV: Jimin
I still can't believe that Yoongi is Hyung.. That's really mind blowing, but I should get used to it.

"Let's just continue the 'game'." Yoongi says and smiles lightly. I nod immediately.
"Your turn." I say.

"Okay Uhhh, since you're 17.. hmmm" Yoongi seems to think for a loong damn time so I decide to ask the next question.

"-Are you in a relationship? What's your favorite color? How tall are you? Is there something you reeallyy love ? Or hate ? Where were you born ? What if-" Suddenly I am cut off.

"Jimin. What the hell." Yoongi mumbles after he hit me with his foot.
Wow damn, I didn't realize that I was asking so many questions at once..

"Sorry.. I'm just a very curious type as you can see. Really, sorry." I giggle embarrassed and apologize.
The other male just looks at me and seems to feel uncomfortable.

"Let's stop this game, it really is boring..." Fuck. Yoongi's mood can change so damn fast. A minute ago we were laughing and now I made him feel uncomfortable. I should be more careful and not so straight forward.

"Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, I-"

"Stop apologizing for every single thing" Yoongi sighs.
"I don't feel uncomfortable.. at all. It's just weird for me to meet a person full of energy and curiousity. Give me some time to get used to that, okay...?" He explains shyly.

So that's how it is. Of course, I am so dumb.
But what should we do now ? It's quiet again and I don't like that..

"You don't like silence, do you?" Yoongi asks and looks at me. I shake my head "nAh.. it-"
"It makes you feel uncomfortable?" he guesses.

"Yeah" I admit.

"I can tell" Yoongi chuckles. "Sorry, I prefer silence, so Our.. conversation goals are different." Even tho his words might sound sad, he was smiling confidentelly.

"Uhm.. yeah, then Should we stop talking ?" I ask unsure. Honestly I'm having a hard time thinking about what Yoongi wants to hear and what not.. "No no, that's not what I mean. Uhm, just.. -I mean.. I don't know, sorry. I really want to talk more but don't overwhelm me with your curiousity, please.."

"That's okay! I will stop asking stupid questions so you can stay calm." I say and show a little grin. Yoongi just smiles awkwardly back and nods.


PoV: Yoongi
After that we decided to watch a movie called 'Triple X'. But to be honest, I can't concentrate on that movie at all. My thoughts are full of Jimin and sometimes my parents come to my mind too.

Idk, but I'm kinda scared that I'm getting feelings for that guy? I've never been in love before and I don't want to have anything to do with it since its about trusting each other and giving attention. I can't do either of that.

Trusting someone is an unknown experience for me, and I don't think that I could care about someone enough to give him affection and/or attention.

Also, from what I've heard Love seems to be a complicated thing. And I have enough problems in my life. But... You can't controll feelings right? Then wouldn't it be the best to stay away from Jimin..?

Argh, I can't believe that I'm struggling like this about a person I met just a while ago ╥﹏╥ I bet he would get bored of me too as soon as he'd find out how... boring and more boring I am.. Why would someone have a crush on me? I'm so disgusting and worthless, that must be a joke..

But at the same time I want to have a little taste of hope.. ?

"Yoongi.. Hey, Yoongi Hyung!" Suddenly Jimins voice pulls me out of my thoughts. I look at him confused. "S-Sorry what is it?"

"What were you thinking about? You okay?" He asks worried. Damn, I really hate how caring he is. It makes me feel something..

"Yeah.. I'm fine."

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