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PoV: Jimin

"... So that was your mother?"

"Yeah" I sigh as we go to the living room and sit down.

"... Besides the fact that she seems very strict, I left the worst first-impression ever." he mumbles dissappointed and leans against me.

"Huh, why ?" I ask.

"Why ? I probably looked like a homeless to her because Im wearing you clothes, And I only said like one sentence to her.. "

"Owwh, don't worry about that~ I love seeing you in my clothes!" I say in order to cheer him up.

He blushed a little but didn't look too distracted by it.

"... Your mother wants us to break up"

"Won't happen!" I say madly.

".. But she might be right..."

"Huh? What do you mean, Yoongi?" I raise a brow.

"D-Don't misunderstand, I'm sorry! I.. mean, she probably wants to become a grandmother and... and she said you're a shame to the family.." He tries to explain nervously while holding onto my hand.

"I don't get what you're pointing at."

".. I'm saying that you should find someone better.. and not a male" he says.

His words make me so mad for some reason.

"Huh? Why are you agreeing with my parents now? Don't you understand that you're all I want ?!"

I pull him away from me and leave the room.

"N-N-No Jimin, wait! Where are you going??"

"Upstairs! Don't follow me!" I shout.


I close the door behind me and throw myself onto the bed.

It pisses me off, why am I so damn mad ?

I stare at the ceiling as I'm thinking about this whole thing.

... My parents didn't change at all. Always telling me what to do and what not. No wonder I left them back then.
Why can't they just let me do my own thing? I don't want to be some stupid buisnees person in the future. I'd rather become a worker at a flower shop or something like that.

If I'd have siblings I probably wouldn't have to go their forced way.


Oof, now that I calmed a little down I realize that I overreacted towards Yoongi...
I didn't yell at him, right? Noo I'd never do that!
But I did become a little loud I guess..
I should apologize, I was too emotional.

As I'm leaving my room, I start hearing whining noises from downstairs.
I run immediately down to the living room and see a crying Yoongi on the couch, covering his face with his hands.

"Yoongi, w-what's wrong??" I ask him as I kneel down infront of him and try to look at his face.

He shows no response and keeps crying desperately.

"Yoongii, please don't cry. I'm here, okay?" I carress his thigh and hopes that he's going to react soon.

He finally puts his hands down and looks at me, eyes all swollen and red.

" J-Jimin.. I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to.. to.. I'm sorry" he sobs.

What? Is he crying because of me?

"No Yoongi, it's okay You don't have to apologize! Everything is fine, I just overrracted. I'm the one who's sorry!" I sit down next to him and pull him into my arms, stroking him gently.

"I'm sorryy, Jiminn- I..I.. Please don't leave m-e because of what I.. said.. I-I really didn't mean to" he cries into my shirt.

Damn I feel bad. I'm such a-.. urgh

"Baby it's okaayyy! I know you meant it different, I was just so pissed because of my mum so my emotions were a little.. Sorry, okay?,You did nooothingg wrong! Not at all. Calm down I will never leave you"

He keeps crying for a little more before he catches his breath and snuggles into my chest.

".. Can I hug you too?" He asks quietly.

Now he's even afraid of doing something wrong by just hugging me.. Good job, Jimin. Look what you did.

"Of course" I answer softly.

He then slowly wraps his arms around me and breathes.

"...I... I was just so scared.. When you left a-and said I'm not allowed to follow you.." he explains as his voice is all shaky and rough.

"I'm sorry.. In that moment I really just overreacted for no reason" I kiss his head.


PoV: Yoongi

"You won't leave me..?"

"Of course not" he answers.

What a relief..

I really don't know what triggered me just now.. I'm the one who overreacted.

"I love you" he adds

"I love you too!"

We then hug each other so tight that I couldn't even breathe.

"A-Air.." I crackle

"Oh sorry!.. You're just so loveable, I could never leave you.. And you don't understand it.." Jimin says upset.

Since I don't know how to reply I stay quiet and pet his head.

A little smile appearce on his face.

I smile shyle at him back, which makes me smile even more.

"So cuttee!!" He pinches my cheeks and start stretching them.

It hurts. But i just let him have his fun with it.

"I want to make you the happiest little thing in the world~!" he hums.

"I want you to be happy too" I giggle.

"With you by my side, I am!"

He's so sweet, ahhh..

".. Then don't listen to what your mum says.. 'Kay?" I glance at him unsurely.

"I never planned to" he grins.

I smile at his answer.

"Great. What are we going to do now? The food you made is probably cold now" I say

"Oh fuck, you're right-"

"Don't swear in front of your Hyung"

"Uh S-Sorry, Sir!" he sounds like a soldier.

I punch his side as I start laughing because of his stupid behaivor.

Jimin pushes me playful, so I was laying with my back on the couch, and starts tickling me.

"Soooo, is my little baby ticklish~??"

I literally burst out on laugher and try to avoid Jimins hands, without success.

"Stopp! AhahaahahHaahaha Jimin please!" I beg as I'm still laughing desperately.

"Tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle!!" The younger keeps ticklings the worst parts of my body; my belly, neck and even under my armpits.

Tears already start rolling down my cheeks as Jimin just keeps going and I'm begging for mercy.

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