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PoV: Jimin
"So... what happened to your face and why are you now okay with coming to my place even tho you didn't seem to like me at the beggining?"

He sighs. "It's not that I don't like you or do like you. I'm just not interested in becoming friends with you. Got it ?"

"Yeah, that was obvious.." I reply disappointed.
"And those wounds??"

"-For fucks sake. None of your business." Now Yoongi sounds pretty mad. He really doesn't wants to talk to me but I guess I can't change that...


"Okay, we arrived !" I say before I notice that Yoongi actually almost fell asleep during this ride.
We leave the bus and go to my house.

"What about your.. parents? Are they okay with me coming over ?" Yoongi suddenly asks while I'm unlocking the house door.

"I live alone, don't worry about that" I chuckle and enter the corridor.

"H-Hm? What do you mean by that..?" he asks surprised.

"My parents are alive. I mean that I'm living alone here.. My parents live in Seoul. Very long story, don't mind that" I explain.

"Oh uhm, okay.. I see" he mumbles as he's taking his shoes off.

"You can go upstairs, my room is on the right side.. I'm gonna get us something to snack and drink" I say smiling and lead him to the stairs. Yoongi simply nods and goes upstairs.

PoV: Yoongi
Boring.. Jimin's room is really boring. It's kinda brownish and he has a lot of dvds.. Nothing special, really. But still better than my room I guess..

I feel tired..
In fact I don't want to stay here for that stupid project but I don't wanna go home either...
My body hurts with every movement I do and I feel like my brain is just messing with me.

"Calm down, Min Yoongi.." I tell myself as I got towards the bed and sit down, when all of the sudden..-
Totally in shock I jump up and look behind me.

..A cat? Why is there a cat on Jimins bed?? Is that his pet? Holy shit, she's so cute..

"Sorry.. I didn't saw you, buddy" I whisper as I sink onto the floor and start petting the little creature. She's really adorable, looks like a black.. angel ? Damn, I forgot how much I love cats.. it feels so good to pet one in a longg while.

"Gyah!" I hear Jimins voice from behind and turn around. "D-Don't mind me.. Continue petting that lil monster" he says nervously.

"Is.. something wrong?" I ask him confused.

"Noo, it's just.. There are two cats in my room.. And my heart can't take this cuteness, yaahh" He closes his eyes and inhales.

"Two? Where is the second one?" I look around and search for another cat. "The second cat is-... Okay nevermimd nevermind. LEtt's start working on the presentation!" he says motivated.

"Wait uhh, this cat.. Is she yours? What's her name ??" That was the only thing I want to know at this moment.

"Her name is Mika" Jimin smiles and tilts his head. "You like cats, Yoongi?"

I nod. "Mika is a pretty name" I say and look back at the black fluffball, watching her fall asleep.

"How cuute~" Jimin hums. I raise an eyebrow and roll my eyes afterwards. "Okay, let's begin.



It took us.. like 5 hours (?) to finish this stupid shit. Astronomy, I really hate you. Surprisingly Jimin knew a lot about stars and 'unexplored' planets..

None of us ate tho. Jimin brought some cookies and ice tea but it was just standing on the table, without being touched.

"Very good. It took a lot of time but at least we finished it all in one day" I say quietly and sat down on the floor.

"You are right" Jimin grins and looks at me... For some reason I really like his smile.

And then; Silence. We both get quiet and don't say a word. I just stare at the ceiling.

Jimin looks out of the window and a "oh jesus" leaves his mouth.

"Hm?" I look out of the window as well and realize that it rains. Well fuck.

"...Do you.. have an umbrella? " I ask a little unsure. Not that I need one, but i'm really not in the mood for catching another cold. Like last week.

"No, I don't think so.." He replies.

"Well.. I'm gonna run then" I get up and keep looking out of the window.

"What? You wanna leave like this? You goona catch a cold! Wait here till the rain stops.." Jimin says.

I guess that's a better idea.. Even tho the rain doesn't seem to stop soon.. "I don't have that much time tho-"

"How about you just sleep here ?"

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